Open House Zwink Elementary 2 nd Grade Mrs. Fagerquist Mrs. Miori and Mrs. Morris Open House Zwink Elementary 2 nd Grade Mrs. Fagerquist Mrs. Miori and Mrs. Morris
Zwink Technology Classroom Laptops iPads Touch Starboards V Brick Video Announcements Classroom Sound systems
In the room at 8:05; instruction begins at 8:15 Mrs. Fagerquist Music- Mondays & Fridays P.E.- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (Wear Sneakers) Art - Wednesday Mrs. Miori and Mrs. Morris Music-Monday, Wednesday P.E.- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday (Wear Sneakers) Art-Friday
Homework Weekly Newsletters (found on our website) –Please complete and return all homework pages stapled on Friday. –Homework completion will be reflected in Work Habits on the Report Card. –Spelling Words should be studied throughout the week to be tested on Friday.
Students can earn Tickets Staying on Task Following Directions Showing good character RESET Multiple RESETS = Refocus 2 Refocus = Parent Signature Phone call / Note home
Language – 3 major, 5 minor Math – 4 major, 9 minor Reading – 3 major, 8 minor Social Studies - 3 major, 6 minor Science- 3 major, 6 minor Parents can stay up to date on grades through the red Wednesday Folder and Parent Connect. Contact the front office for your student’s number.
Math and Science Science curriculum is found on our website. Math curriculum is a continuous spiral review. If your student is struggling with a topic be on the look out for the opportunity to return work with corrections made. District Benchmark will be given every 9 weeks and Campus Common Assessments are given throughout the grading period.
Reader’s Workshop ***Guided Reading occurs in a small group context led by the teacher because the small group allows interactions among readers that benefit them all; The framework for the guided reading lesson: --Introducing the text --Reading the text --Discussing the text --Reteaching the cognitive strategies --Extending the meaning of the text --Word work
***Independent Reading occurs daily. Students are reading texts on their reading level and responding to them. Role of the students: --read continuously (STAMINA) --keep their own reading records --reflect on their reading --write connections to their reading in Reader’s Notebook ***Studies have proven that the very best way to improve reading is to practice reading!!!
Language/Word Study Read-Aloud Modeling Cognitive Reading Strategy for the week; (e.g. TTT, TTS, TTW connections, main idea, characterization, visualization, etc.) Vocabulary words-Academic and Content Word Wall words/chants Spelling rule and Spelling words using that rule Buddy Study activities
Writer’s Workshop Mini-lesson/Grammar lesson using Mentor Text Guided Writing Independent Writing-Writing Projects going through the writing process that authors use
Communities, community, state and national landmarks, map skills, landforms, customs, traditions, community, state and national celebrations, roles of public officials in government, characteristics of good citizenship Social Studies
Please call the front office to inform your student of a dismissal change during the day. Wednesday Folders are to be signed and returned on Thursday. Low grades will be indicated to the left of ‘Teacher Comments’ Our websites can be accessed through the Zwink website and have lots of helpful information. We are here to serve you and help your student have the best 2 nd grade experience possible. Let us know how we can help!
We need you and we love you!! Please let us know if you are available to come up during the week.
Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Miori Mrs. Fagerquist