Intro Selves and Readers Workshop! Where it all begins…. Planning a unit standards, planning page, collaborate! Mini Lesson 101 *new video of all components Lesson Plans standards, lesson plan format, sample lesson plans, practice! What are the other kids doing? read to self, read to someone, word work, listen to reading, centers Assessment/Working with Readers conferences, strategy groups vs. guided reading, phonics, stop and jot Walk on! Choose one thing and go for it! Question and Answer
League of Extraordinary Readers League of Extraordinary Readers Amy Cardwell Lyssa Sahadevan East Side Elementary Marietta, GA
Classroom Libraries * Start here! There is not just one, right way! Author, genre, season, animals, dinosaurs, strong feelings, leveled, mixed, etc! Team leveling parties, volunteer opp for parents! To level, or not to level, that is the question! 5 Finger rule, interest books, matching kids to books If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book. -J.K. Rowling
“Classrooms with at least 1,000 books consistently outscore classrooms that don’t, across every grade level.” R. Allington
If we want our students to be fluent, strong readers, we must flood their classrooms with books. Oooh, a book flood! But HOW? book drives, Scholastic points, Amazon wishlists, yard sale, thrift stores
Readers and Writers Workshop Just Right Strategies The Almighty Anchor Chart Brain Break!
Informational Action* Informational readers change their voices to make info stand out! Sorting~a great place to start!
Reading and Writing Collide! First grade authors! Strong feelings start in reading…
Planning a Unit Types launch, fix up strategies, readers are thinkers, text features, characters, metacognition, reading partners How To… standards, collaborate, map it out!
Connection – Reference to prior teaching Teach – Model strategy Active Engagement – Students try the strategy Link – Invitation to try this strategy “today and everyday!” VIDEOVIDEO coming soon! Sample lesson plans Try it on your own! Mini Lesson 101*
So, what about the other kids? 1 st and 3 rd grade classroom video read to selfread to self, read to someone, word work, listen to reading *The first day of school sets the tone for reader’s workshop all year.
Assessing Readers * Strategy groups vs. guided reading Conferences Phonics instruction Stop and jot Running Records Keeping up with it all!
Resources: Teachers College Videos FREE! Read Works FREE! Symbaloo FREE! Chartchums My Mommy Reads SmileboxSmilebox FREE for teachers!
The best advice we ever received….. Questions? * “Be genuine. Laugh. Love. Be patient.” ― Debbie Miller “Get to know your readers.”-Kathy Collins