9 THEMES OF DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP DIGITAL ACCESS (full electronic participation) DIGITAL COMMERCE (electronic buying and selling of goods) DIGITAL COMMUNICATION (electronic exchange of information) DIGITAL LITERACY (progress of teaching and learning about technology) DIGITAL ETIQUETTE (electronic standards of conduct or procedures) DIGITAL LAW (electronic responsibility for actions and deeds) DIGITAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITES (those freedom that’s extended to everyone in a digital world) DIGITAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS (physical and psychological well being in a digital world) DIGITAL SECURITY (electronic precautions to guarantee safety)
DIGITAL ETIQUETTE As an educator, it is important to teach students how to become good digital citizens. Students should know that their are internet rules and regulations. Therefore, making students aware of appropriate and inappropriate digital behavior to promote digital etiquett.."
BRAIN POP DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP / / Brainpop has activities that exposed students to good digital citizenship behavior.
ALABAMA ETHICS AND INTERNET USAGE 1. Knowledge of appropriate professional behavior and dispositions expected of professionals as outlined in the Alabama Educator Code of Ethics. 2. Knowledge of safe, responsible, legal, and ethical uses of technologies including fair-use and copyright guidelines and Internet-user protection policies. 3. Ability to use and maintain confidential student information in an ethical and professional manner. 4. Ability to practice safe, responsible, legal, and ethical use of technology and comply with school and district acceptable-use policies including fair-use and copyright guidelines and Internet-user protection policies.
COPYRIGHT & FAIR USE Text- An article or essay can be used with less than 2500 words Music- You can use up to 10% of a song or musical work Video- Teachers can use up to 3 minutes or 10 percent of video. Photography- Single copy for teachers and no more than 5 images of an artist/photographer. No more than 10 percent or 15 percent images, whichever is less, from a collection. Poem- Copy a poem with less than 250 words
Netiquette Digital Etiquette (Netiquette)Digiteen - provides resources for students and teachers including videos, and written introductions to various issues related to netiquette and safety. h
RESOURCES Retrieved on July 13, Retrieved on July 13, ttp:// Retrieved on July 13, for Intellectual Property for Intellectual Property Sources. Retrieved on July 13, Sources. Retrieved on July 13, Retrieved on July 13, Retrieved on July 13, Education World Technology Center: Tools for Teaching Cyber Ethics (2011). Cyber safety. Retrieved onJuly 13, Netiquette: Rules of Behavior on the Internet (2012). Retrieved on July 13, 2012 fro