Digital Citizenship Multimedia II Ann Darling
Digital Citizenship What is Digital citizenship? – “Digital citizenship can be defined as the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use. ” The Digital Citizen
Internet Safety pretest Take the Internet Safety TestInternet Safety Test
Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship Digital Etiquette:(netiquette) Digital Communication Digital Literacy Digital Access Digital Law Digital Rights & Responsibilities Digital Health & Wellness Digital Security(self protection) –
Digital Etiquette Sometimes called netiquette – It is the code of accepted behaviors for social networks, cell phones, & chat. Thanks for the thoughtful text every 10 minutes
Digital Commerce Advertising Online auctions Online Banking Online Shopping s from Nigeria Go Phish!
Digital Communication So Many Choices – Cell Phone – s – Document sharing – File sharing – Video files – Audio files – Image sharing – Text & chat Thanks for sharing! Maybe
Digital Literacy ISTE national educational technology standards ISTE national educational technology standards – Creativity and innovation – Communication & collaboration – Research & information fluency – Critical Thinking, Problem solving, decision making – Digital Citizenship – Technology operations & concepts What things should I know and be able to do?
Digital Access Access needs to be permitted to all without regard to race, physical limitations or gender in a digital society One gender should not have better access or opportunity over another Digital Citizens should be supportive of equal access for all See Edutopia article on digital divideEdutopia
Digital Rights & Responsibilities Everyone has the right to privacy, free speech and security in the digital world These rights are also not without responsibilities Users must help to define what is acceptable behavior and how technology is to be used. Report Cyber Abuse Here!
Digital Law Stealing or damaging someone else’s work or identity on line is criminal behavior. Hacking, downloading, spamming, plagiarizing, creating malware and stealing identity or property are unethical. Copyrights?
Digital Health & Wellness Digital Citizens need to know about issues of health & injury related to internet use such as repetitive stress, vision, and addictive behaviors such as gambling One eyed jacks are wild?
Digital Security It is not enough to know that there are people behaving badly with information on the internet Digital citizens need to take responsibility for the security of their own files by using antivirus and security software. Dude, I think you have a virus…
Secure Your Information How much information do you put online? What advice would you give a 10 year- old about protecting their online identity? Read this article “Don’t give your and password to other websites” “Don’t give your and password to other websites”
Digital Citizenship Project part I Learn about Social Bookmarking Research Digital Citizenship with social bookmarking – Diigo Group: students/bookmark students/bookmark Respond to the discussion questions for the nine elements on the Diigo Discussion board
Diigo Discussion Board
Project part II Create a presentation about Digital Citizenship for younger students. – Choose one of the Nine Elements – Create an outline for the information you have collected – Share your outline using Google Docs – Edit Project outline
Project part III Design a presentation for elementary students – Choose toondoo, blabberize, ebooks, xtranormal, go animate Good hunting!
What is Social Bookmarking? Social Bookmarking in Plain English One of the objectives of this lesson is to learn how social bookmarking can assist students in research and collaborating on a large project
Using Diigo Our Student Diigo Group – You should be receiving an invitation to join our social bookmarking group on Diigo. The group is named SHS_Multimedia SHS_Multimedia To see how Diigo works please view the next two videos from You Tube on the next 2 slides.
Diigo in General
Diigo Webslides
Diigo Web Slides for Group Project Research Here is my list of websites concerning students and the internet in Diigo. Follow this link to see the list or view the list as a Diigo Webslide Show. Follow this link Diigo Webslide Show You may add to this list or start your own.
If you don’t define Digital Citizenship, will there be any?