Using secure methods for sending and receiving files SPEEDE Server SPEEDE Users’ Group May 4, 2007 David Stallcup
Two Major Options Encryption –Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) –VeriCrypt, FileCrypt, Gnu Privacy Guard Secure file transfer –SSH2 protocol (includes SCP, SFTP, FTPS, and Active FTPS) Either option is available for UNIX, Mac, or Windows
Steps to Using PGP with the SPEEDE Server Obtain and install a copy of the PGP software Use PGP to generate a public and private key pair Exchange public keys with the Server Encrypt your outgoing files with the Server’s public key When you receive an encrypted file, decrypt it with your private key before processing
Help with Using PGP You must use RSA keys
Our Sincere Apologies On Tuesday, April 10, we upgraded our sending SPEEDE server. Soon, we discovered that not everyone could decrypt what we were sending from this new server. So on Wednesday, April 18, we switched back to the previous sending server (and resent all data to those schools experiencing the problem). We are currently testing to solve the problem.
Obtain and install SSH2 software suite your IP address, along with a userID and password, to the server Server will set up public key authentication on your sftp server, for sending via sftp* to you *this includes scp and pure sftp – ftps (passive) and active ftps both use userid and password Steps to Using SSH with the SPEEDE Server ** Receiving **
Steps to Using SSH with the SPEEDE Server ** Sending ** Notify the server that you wish to send via sftp You may upload a public key to the Server to avoid having to use password Otherwise, you will use a userID and password when sending files
Help with Using SSH
Texas Schools not yet using encryption - after one year (accounts have been disabled) 22/ Galveston College 22/ Weatherford College 22/ Baylor College of Dentistry 22/ Dallas Baptist University