Institutional Arrangements for Adaptation Achala Chandani Researcher International Institute for Environment and Development european capacity building initiative ecbi for sustained capacity building in support of international climate change negotiations
Overview Introduction Provisions in the draft AWG-LCA negotiating text – A subsidiary body on adaptation – Committees and advisory bodies Proposed Adaptation Committee – Utilizing existing institutions and expertise Adaptation Fund Board Questions for further discussion
Introduction Institutional arrangements to perform a range of functions related to adaptation including: – supporting developing countries in adapting to climate change impacts – Ensuring the oversight role of the various adaptation activities are met – ensuring that the elements under the UNFCCC are adequate and highlight the gaps
Draft AWGLCA text : Enhanced action on adaptation and its associated means of implementation the Draft AWGLCA text (Chap.I) suggests the following action: Establishes... Pursuant to the provisions on enhanced action on adaptation presented in chapter II, the Adaptation Framework [for Implementation], with the objective of enhancing action on adaptation, including through international cooperation, for coherent consideration of matters relating to adaptation under the Convention, containing the following elements: – [An Adaptation Committee] [A Subsidiary Body on Adaptation] [An Advisory Body on Adaptation];
Draft AWGLCA text...cont’d Chapter II (Para 7) Option 1: Decides to establish an Adaptation Committee under the Convention in order to provide coherence in the implementation of the enhanced action on adaptation under the Convention Option 2: Decides to strengthen, enhance and better utilize existing institutional arrangement and expertise under the Convention in order to support the implementation of the Adaptation Framework [for Implementation]...
A subsidiary Body on Adaptation Two Subsidiary Bodies formed under Article 9 and 10 of the Convention (SBSTA and SBI) Subsidiary bodies pursuant to Article 7 (2) (i) (the Ad hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate, the Ad hoc Group on Article 132, the Joint Working Group on compliance, and the AWG‐LCA). – temporary subsidiary bodies, – established on an ad hoc basis – have a specific mandate and timeframe. provide recommendations for the COP, in the form of draft decisions, which the COP may then review and either agree upon or re‐submit to the subsidiary body for further consideration. Composition of subsidiary bodies may vary.
Subsidiary body (cont’d…) establishment of a subsidiary body has the benefit of placing more political legitimacy and credibility However, there may be difficulties in taking decisions and practically implementing programmes. political nature of its membership has the potential to lead to negotiations as between governments, as opposed to in accordance with the interests and mandate of the subsidiary body.
Committees and Advisory Bodies Not individually defined within the rules of procedure They are defined by rule 2.8 as ‘subsidiary bodies’ (“a subsidiary body means those bodies established by Article 9 or 10 of the Convention, as well as any body, including committees and working groups, established pursuant to Article 7 (2) (i) of the Convention”) But committees have operational differences to subsidiary bodies. Small number of membership Technical experts
Proposed Adaptation Committee in order to provide coherence in the implementation of the enhanced action on adaptation under the Convention Proposed functions: – To provide guidance to enhance action on adaptation... – To provide advice on eligibility criteria, equitability of resource allocation among thematic areas and implementation procedures... and to regularly advise on the review and revision on eligibility criteria etc. – To receive, evaluate and recommend technical adjustments and to provide technical advice – To function as the Technical Panel of the Financial Mechanism Board – To carry out reviews of portfolios of adaptation projects, which have been implemented – To coordinate with regional centres
strengthen, enhance and better utilize existing institutional arrangement and expertise under the Convention Existing committees/expertise (The Expert Group on Technology Transfer (EGTT), The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LDCEG), The consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in the Annex I to the Convention (CGE) The nature of mandate is highly specialized, technical nature of work undertaken, Expert based and relatively small size of membership Elected by Parties, Meets regularly Despite members being nominated by Parties, the respective rules of procedure generally require members to act in their personal capacity. smaller numbers has facilitated more efficient and expedient decision‐making However bodies may fail to give due representation to all Party stakeholders
Adaptation Fund/Adaptation Fund Board The Adaptation Fund (AF) has been established by the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol to finance concrete adaptation projects and programmes in developing countries which are Protocol Parties. AF as an example where some of the issues being resolved Areas to look at – Governance (Guidance, accountable, under the authority of CMP) – Management (AFB- Ownership to developing countries) – Access (Direct Access through NIE) – Monitoring and Evaluation (Both NIEs/MIEs and the Board) – Allocation (Still to be solved)
Questions / discussion What are the advantages and disadvantages associated with the various structures currently used and proposed mechanisms? How do we ensure that a body for adaptation is small enough to be efficient, conducive to productive discussion and facilitative of decision‐making while ensuring sufficient representation by all Parties? How to ensure there are no conflicts between the Adaptation Committee and other similar bodies? Should the AF be used as an example? Should the adaptation fund become the adaptation window under the convention?