Priorities Professionalising the workforce English and Maths Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) Recruitment, bursaries and incentives Digital estate and resources Professional Standards and Workforce Development
Professionalising the Workforce For use in: Further education colleges Voluntary and community sector organisations Commercial organisations and independent training providers Adult and community learning providers Teacher education providers Work based learning settings Specialist colleges and institutions Armed and uniformed services Prisons and offender learning institutions Other public sector organisations New Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in England
The English Enhancement Programme
Introducing Your Brilliant Brains Slide 6
If a friend asked you to the cinema…
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Slide 9
10© Education Training Foundation 2014
WEBSITE 11© Education Training Foundation 2014
5 Pathways 12© Education Training Foundation 2014
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4 and 5 14© Education Training Foundation 2014
Any Questions?
What are we for? Our job is to help raise standards in teaching, leadership and workforce development. Our aim is excellence throughout the FE and training system, for the benefit of our young people, adults and employers. 16© Education Training Foundation 2014 Professional Standards and Workforce Development
Our approach is simple: to get behind the whole sector - training providers, colleges and community learning and skills organisations – to support you in achieving even better outcomes for learners and employers. We aim to be truly sector led, from strategic planning to operational delivery. We are owned by three sector membership bodies, who are also represented in our governance structure and expert panels. 17© Education Training Foundation 2014 Professional Standards and Workforce Development