Development of Dynamic SLD and Understanding WCS Using Geo-server Supervisor Prof N.L Sarda Dept. of Computer Science & Engg. IIT-Bombay Bharti M.Tech (CS) GISE Advanced Research Lab IIT- Bombay
Contents _________________________________________ Open Geo-spatial Consortium (OGC) Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) Introduction About Geo-server Need for Dynamic SLD Scope Styling Labeling Approach Used Results Further Work
Open Geo-spatial Consortium _________________________________________ Open Geo-spatial Consortium (OGC) is a global, non-for- profit organization of more than 400 companies. The OGC baseline comprises more than 30 standards, including: Web Map Service (WMS) : provides map images. Web Feature Service (WFS) : for retrieving or altering feature description. Styled layer Descriptor (SLD) : for user defined symbolization.
Styled Layer Descriptor _________________________________________ Maps exposed as WMS services can be symbolized using (SLD), an XML based markup language. SLD enables to create advanced rules for cartographic visualization of geospatial data. It can also be used with filters in order to define custom classes and categories for creating thematic maps.
Introduction _________________________________________ The Web Map Service (WMS) Encoding Standard defines an encoding that extends the WMS standard to allow user-defined symbolization and coloring of geographic feature.
About Geoserver _________________________________________ It is a Java-based software that allows users to view and edit geospatial data. It allows you to display spatial information to the world. OpenLayers, a free mapping library is integrated into Geoserver making map generation quick and easy.
Geoserver Login Geoserver Main Page Openlayers showing map from Geoserver
Need for Dynamic SLD _________________________________________ For creating dynamic and user-oriented web maps. Two basic ways of styling The simplest one is to color all features the same way. To style features of the data differently dependent on some attributes.
Scope _________________________________________ Phase 1: Run-time generation of SLD for better visualization Styling Geo-ext Styler Labeling Phase 2 : Understanding WCS Standard Geoserver
Styling _________________________________________ Geospatial data has no intrinsic visual components. In order to see data, it must be styled. This means to specify color, thickness and other visible attributes. Data that Geoserver can serve consists of three classes of shapes: Points, Lines and Polygon.
Points ________________________________________ ___________________________ Simple Point Simple Point with stroke Rotated Square Transparent Triangle Point as Graphic
Lines _________________________________________ ___________________________ Simple Line Line with Border Dashed Line
Polygon _________________________________________ ___________________________ Simple Polygon Simple polygon with stroke
Labeling _____________________________________ _________________________ Defines the most basic way of controlling placement Geoserver fully supports SLD specification plus adds a few extra parameters so you can make pretty maps.
Point Labeling _____________________________________ _________________________ Point with default label Point with styled label Point with rotated label
Line Labeling _______________________________________ __________________________ line with default label label following line
Polygon Labeling _______________________________________ __________________________ polygon with default label
Approach Used _________________________________________ Open-layers provides a powerful foundation for web mapping applications. Geo-ext Styler: An interactive styling application for geospatial data.
Geo-Ext Styler _____________________________________ _________________________ It is built on open standards, using the Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) XML language. Rendered with the Web Map Service (WMS) standard, which has extensions to remote SLDs, and uses REST calls to persist styles to servers.
Results:: 1.Symbology 1.1 Single Symbol (Point Layer) _______________________________________ __________________________ Selected Point layer Symbol as Star Selecting the Color Selecting the Style as Solid The Final Result is
Line layer ________________________________________ ______________________ Selecting a line layer Selecting the color for line The result is
Polygon Layer _____________________________________ ________________________ Selecting the fill color for polygon layer Selecting the style as solid Selecting the stroke color The result is
1.2 Graduated Equal Interval _______________________________________ __________________________ Selecting the Column value as Shape_Leng Selecting the classes as 4 Selecting the Mode as Equal Interval The result is
1.2.2 Quantile ______________________________________ _________________________ Selecting the column vales as Shape_Area Selecting the classes as 6 Selecting the Mode as Quantile The result is
2. Labeling _______________________________________ __________________________ Selecting the Label tab Selecting the label values The Result of labeling is
Future Work _____________________________________ _________________________ WCS provides a standard interface for how to request the raster source of a geospatial image. The results of a WCS can be used for complex modeling and analysis, as it often contains more information. It also allows more complex querying - clients can extract just the portion of the coverage that they need.
References _________________________________________ ___________________________ /
Publications ________________________________________ ___________________________ Dynamic and interactive thematic cartography with webmappin applications by Kern, H.F., Von Nathusius, V. in 2010Kern, H.F.Von Nathusius, V. Using Web Map Service (WMS) With Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) For Creating Dynamic And User-Oriented Maps by BURDZIEJ J. Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
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