™ Semantic BBN Mike Dean Industry Track 7 th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2008) Karlsruhe, Germany 29 October
™ 2 Outline History Current efforts Looking forward
™ Introduction to BBN An advanced technology research and development firm, specializing in Information, Computer, and Physical Sciences Known for technical excellence and challenging conventions to provide new and fundamentally better solutions to complex technical problems Providing innovative, real-world solutions and satisfying our customers have been the keys to our success for 60 years Staff of ~700 professionals –2/3 hold advanced degrees Principal offices in Cambridge, MA and the Washington, DC area 3
™ History of Innovation 1950s Acoustic Design for UN General Assembly Hall AI Pattern Recognition Program 1960s 1 st Time Sharing Demonstration LOGO Programming Language ARPANET-First Multi-node Packet Switched Network 1970s 1 st Person-to- Person Network Sign for Addresses Acoustic analysis of JFK Assassination Tapes Analysis of Nixon Watergate Tapes First Symmetric Multi-processor First TCP for UNIX 1980s 1 st Electronic Mail Defense Data Network National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET) Natural Language Computer Interface Intelligent Agents SimNet Collaboration Planning Technology Cronus Distributed Computing Environment 1990s Secure for DoD Multi-Gigabit Router DARPA Information Assurance Broadband Wireless Technology Genetic Algorithm Scheduling Tools Collaborative Planning for Desert Storm ATM Switch 40K Word Speech Recognition System Logistics Anchor Desk deployed for Bosnia Safekeyper Certificate Management Certification Authority Workstation (CAW) 2000s Call Director Natural Language Routing Semantic Web – OWL, SWRL, OWL-S Asio tools for Net-Centric Data Sharing and Enterprise Web Services Microthunder Urban Environment Surveillance System Cognitive Agent Architecture - Cougaar Boomerang Acoustic Shooter Detection System Quantum Cryptographic Network
™ Core Technical Expertise Data Mining and Knowledge Management –Semantic Web, Advanced Database Technologies, Audio Indexing, Information extraction from speech and text Information Security –Computer and network system architecture, information operations, cyber situation awareness, red teaming Speech Recognition and Natural Language Processing –Real-time, large vocabulary, speaker-independent continuous speech recognition, Advanced speech-to-text systems, Audio monitoring and audio indexing, Speech-to-speech translation, Optical character recognition Intelligent Systems –Genetic algorithms, Agent architectures, Cognitive systems Advanced Networking –Wireless, ad hoc networks, High performance routers and encryptors, Satellite technology and security, Low power networks Infrastructure Security –Large scale intelligent sensor networks, Unmanned surveillance Physical Systems –Acoustic and seismic sensing and analysis systems and technologies Real-Time Embedded Computing –High performance operational systems, Signal processing and analysis 5
™ DAML BBN was the Integration and Transition Contractor for the DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) program, –Coordinated the efforts of 25 research teams –Led the Joint US/EU ad hoc Agent Markup Language Committee, participated in W3C RDF Core and Web Ontology Working Groups –Developed a number of tools, data sets, and applications –Maintained daml.org and SemWebCentral.org 6
™ SemWebCentral.org Open source software repository based on GForge 145 projects, 854 users Still maintained at BBN Hardware and software upgrade in progress 7
™ R&D DAML was the first and last large US Semantic Web research program –The DARPA Director thought we were “done” once OWL became a W3C Recommendation Smaller R&D efforts in other agencies Several DARPA “seedling” projects Our focus has shifted to applications using the Semantic Web (explicitly or not) –Government and commercial 8
™ Data Integration Many of our applications focus on some aspect of data integration –Diverse databases, web services –Co-reference resolution among incomplete data sets Which of 500 references to John Smith refer to the same person? –Combining structured and unstructured information (RDF encoding of natural language processing output) –Translation between ontologies using SWRL plays a key role in many of solutions 9
™ 10 Asio TM SOAP/ REST WS RDBMS Query Decomposition Query: SPARQL Data Access 3 Generation of Sub Queries 6 Query Result Set 5 Semantic Bridge Database Semantic Bridge Web Service Backwards Rule Chaining Snoggle Parliament Semantic Query Decomposition (SQD) Semantic Bridge SPARQL Endpoint Automapper
™ Open Source Snoggle –SWRL editor for ontology translation Parliament –Memory-mapped embedded triple store –Descended from DAML DB –More details in my SSWS 2008 talkSSWS 2008 talk –Will soon be released as open source on SemWebCentral 11
™ Geospatial Semantics Geospatial Semantic Web R&D program at NGA –Geospatial ontologies (including trade study)trade study –Geospatial indexing of knowledge bases –Semantic annotation of georegistered imagery Active participation in –Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP)Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP) –Terra Cognita workshop seriesTerra Cognita –US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF)US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) 12
™ Going Forward Growing business area “Digital Whitewater” (information deluge) –Video annotation –Active and streaming content Hope for resurgence in US Semantic Web R&D with the new administration 13
™ More Information asio.bbn.com asio.bbn.com snoggle.projects.semwebcentral.org snoggle.projects.semwebcentral.org parliament.projects.semwebcentral.org parliament.projects.semwebcentral.org 14