Christoph Röhrig State Medical Chamber of Berlin Department Membership / Vocational training EU- Law and Laws of the State Chamber Membership in the State Medical Chamber of Berlin Communication between the chamber and their members Visit of the Serbian Medical Chamber in Germany, Berlin, March 16th 2010
Membership in the State Medical Chamber, Berlin The following groups of physicians are members of the State Medical Chamber of Berlin: or else Physicians who practise their profession in the Federal State of Berlin Membership due to the place of work „ Berufsausübungsmitglied- schaft“ Physicians who are residents of the Federal State of Berlin, unless they have already become member of another Medical State Chamber Membership due to the place of residence „Wohnsitzmitgliedschaft“
Membership in the State Medical Chamber of Berlin Mandatory Membership Membership in one of the State Medical Chambers of the Federal Republic is mandatory for all physicians. If the necessary requirements for membership are met, membership is founded in the laws. The physician is either member of the Chamber/s of the fe- deral state/s in which he/ she practises his/her profession, or else, if he/she doesn‘t practise his/her profession, of the Sta- te Chamber in the federal state in which he/ she lives No exemption from mandatory membership exists: There is nearly no possibility to obtain exemption from the require- ment of mandatory membership in a State Medical Chamber.
Membership in the State Medical Chamber, Berlin Important Statutory Tasks of the State Medical Chamber Representing professional interests: Representing the com- mon interests of all members of the State Chamber Disciplinary power: Supervision of the members of the State Medical Chamber as to their work performance Quality management of postgraduate training and Contin- uing Medical Education (CME) Arbitration in matters of professional conflicts It is not part of the responsibilities of the State Medical Chamber to issue either full or abridged medical licenses („Approba- tion“ and „Berufserlaubnis“). This falls into the responsibility of the regional administrative bodies of the Department of Health.
Membership in the State Medical Chamber, Berlin Internal information management framework current status To fulfil it‘s statutory tasks the chamber is reliant on an effi- cient data collection and data processing Because of that the members are bounded by law to give to the chamber the required data information (compulsory registration) Current information pathes: letter, mail, phone The data are collected into a central internal information mana- gement framework The data framework is the essential fundament for all tasks of the chamber relating to a member (f. e. enforcement of the disciplinary power or payment of membership dues)
Membership in the State Medical Chamber, Berlin Internal information management framework current status The chamber is using a standard enterprise ressource planing software (ERP-Software) The software was developped in Denmark and called „Na- vision“ In 2002 the enterprise was adsorbed by Microsoft and now the software is called „Microsoft Dynamics Nav“ The software is disdtributed by microsoft sales and marketing- partners, who adapt it to the enterprises internal processes
Membership in the State Medical Chamber, Berlin Service Portal: The aims Implementation of electronic communication processes instead of the classical Reduction of the administration effort and the administration costs Comfort and additional benefit for the members Temporal flexibility for all the participants of the communication or administration process Rapid provision of information in the essential scopes
Membership in the State Medical Chamber, Berlin The essential elements of a Service-Portal Unidirectional Public Content Management System Not personalized contents and offers for members, patients and others Unprotected for everyone availabe Bidirectional Application Server Personalized informations and transactions exclusively for members protected
Membership in the State Medical Chamber, Berlin A successful Service-Portal !? The success of the service-portal will depend on attractive informations and transactions, f. e. Inspection and changing of recorded personal data Inspection of the chamber‘s documentary management system (important documents, examination records) Initiating of administrative proceedings (to make applications) Asking for the current status of an application Receipt of chamber decicions abandoning an administrative proceeding
Membership in the State Medical Chamber, Berlin Service-Portal: Necessary and advisable tools flexible software elements open-source-applicationsserver acquisition of the source-code
Membership in the State Medical Chamber, Berlin Service-Portal: Necessary tools How to protect data and create a legal access? software-solution username & password hardware-solution signature-card
Membership in the State Medical Chamber, Berlin Service-Portal Advantages of signature-cards the user can authenticate (verificate) himself the user can encrypt informations legally binding signatures can be done with it Because of these three essential functions signature-cards can be implemented whereever is a need to exchange sensible information
Membership in the State Medical Chamber, Berlin Signature-cards in Germany Using signature-cards is forced by german policy and law The new german identy-card f. e. will include the possibility to apply signature-functions The medical chambers are bounded by law to give so called „Health professional cards“ to their members because there is a public interest in an efficient and assured way of data communication between physician and patient
Membership in the State Medical Chamber, Berlin Communication between the chamber and their members We hope, that using signature-cards will professionalize the data com- munication between physician and patient We also hope, that using the cards will improve considerably the Communi- cation between the chamber and their members
Thank you !