Leaving Certificate Biology Genetics & Inheritance 2 EQ iQuiz SECOND Press the F5 Key to Begin, Then click on this Blue Box FIRST In PowerPoint 2007 if you see a Security Warning click HERE on Options… and then click on Enable this content
Where in the cell do you find chromosomes? CytoplasmNucleus MitochondriaChloroplast
Where in the nucleus would you find the genes? NucleolusChromosomes RNACytoplasm
What is meant by linkage? Genes on different chromosomes Joined chromosomes Connected Genes Genes on the same chromosome
Which of the following is not a use of DNA profiling? Improve intelligence Genetic screening DNA fingerprinting Paternity testing
What are the four bases found in DNA? A, B, C, DW, X, Y, Z A, G, C, UA, G, C, T
What is meant by the triplet code? Sequence to make gene Sequence to make amino acid Three bases in a row Three Genes in a row
Which base links to Thymine? AdenineGuanine UracilCytosine
Which scientists was responsible for the Theory of Natural Selection? DicksonDarwin WatsonCrick
Which of the following is a cause of a mutation? Eating junk foodDisease Ionising radiationBad genes
Which of the following is an application of Genetic Engineering? Making cheeseMaking alcohol Transgenic animalsGreen beans
What type of bond occurs between base pairs of DNA? Oxygen bondHydrogen bond Ionic bondCovalent bond
What is variation? Change in DNA Difference between members of species Change in genes Way in which living things change
What is the full name of the base C? CytosolCellulose CytosineChitin
What is an allele? Genetic make up of organism Physical make up of an organism Position of gene on chromosome Different forms of the same gene
Which of the following is a step in the process of Genetic Engineering? TranslationLigation TranscriptionMutation
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