Warm-up Day of 2.1 to 2.4 Quiz The back-to-back stemplot shows the lifetime of several Brand X and Brand Y batteries. Compare the distributions of the data.
Student of the day! Block 4
Plushie names – so far… Block 4 Dan Tran the Man “I am technically right…” is in the lead with 7 votes. I will announce the official names the day of the Ch. 1 and 2 Test. I will announce the first round winner 2 blocks after our first test. Your picture will be taken with the Plushie and it will be posted on Edmodo!
H.W. Discussion The rest of 2.1 to 2.4 Reviewsheet 2.4 E #47 and 53
Bingo Review of 2.1 to 2.4 Fill in your Bingo Cards! ABCDE Always True Some- times True Never True YesNo Stem- and- Leaf Histo- gram MeanMedian IQRVarianceRangeSkewed Right Skewed Left UniformSymme- tric Approx. Normal Min.Max.Q1Q3Scatter- plot Relative Frequency OutlierParallel Box Plot Back-to- back Stem and Leaf Catego- rical Continu- ous Bimodal Discrete
Bingo Review 2.1 to 2.4 (Slide 1) 1.Mickey Mantle played with the New York Yankees from 1951 through He had the following number of home runs for those years: 13, 23, 21, 27, 37, 52, 34, 42, 31, 40, 54, 30, 15, 35, 19, 23, 22, 18. Were any of these years outliers? 2.What would be the best data display for this information?
Quiz directions Read carefully. Write out sentences if it says explain, compare, describe. When drawing the boxplot from the cumulative % or cumulative frequency graph, I understand you are estimating. When you finish turn in your quiz and work on the h.w. 2.4 E#56 and 57 READ 2.5
Textbook Answers to #47 and 53
Remaining Answers to 2.1 and 2.4 Reviewsheet of 240, there is about 2 outliers. 9. Min: 4.5 minutes; Q1: 40.5;Median:43.5; Q3: 46.5;Max: About 22% 11. About the category. The last 3 bars add up to 10 so 230/240 = 95.8% 12. The data is unimodal with a large gap between 5 and 33 minutes.