Quiz Review Last Mathematician Standing
How it Works With your partner, answer each question (make sure you agree on a solution). When directed, hold up your solution. Correct – you’re still in (YELLOW). Incorrect – you’re out {but continue to participate}. If none of the groups left standing answer a question correctly, you can rejoin the game if you answered correctly. (PINK/ORANGE) The goal is to be the last mathematicians “standing” (YELLOW).
Problem 1 Find the domain of the function. (No Calculator):
Problem 1 Find the domain of the function. (No Calculator):
Problem 2 Is the function even, odd, or neither? (No Calculator)
Problem 2 Is the function even, odd, or neither? (No Calculator)
Problem 3 Which of the 11 basic functions are bounded above and below?
Problem 3 Which of the 11 basic functions are bounded above and below?
Problem 4 Function or Relation?
Problem 4 Function or Relation?
Problem 5 Which of the basic functions have a range of all real numbers?
Problem 5 Which of the basic functions have a range of all real numbers?
Problem 6 Find any local and absolute extrema of the following function. (Calculator OK)
Problem 6 Find any local and absolute extrema of the following function. (Calculator OK)
Problem 7 On what intervals is the function increasing, decreasing, and constant?
Problem 7 On what intervals is the function increasing, decreasing, and constant?
Problem 8 Find the domain of the following function. (No Calculator)
Problem 8 Find the domain of the following function. (No Calculator)
Problem 9 The table shows the distance traveled over a given period of time. Provide context to the slope and y-intercept if the line of best fit is y = 54.9x
Problem 9 The table shows the distance traveled over a given period of time. Provide context to the slope and y-intercept if the line of best fit is y = 54.9x
Day 10 Identify the range of the following graph:
Day 10 Identify the range of the following graph: