Please sit in your assigned seat. Take out your quiz reflection from last class. Silently complete the “warm up” section of your paper.
Get started on your ahora en silencio!
La Agenda S tudents will begin using pasaportes in order to track their day-to-day progress in Spanish clasS Students will review their unit 1 quiz results in order to check their mastery of Unit 1 material so far SWBAT identify the people with whom they would use formal and informal address SWBAT identify numbers
SeccÓn 2: Informal vs. Formal “You” Just like in English, in Spanish, we talk to people differently depending on how we know them For example, you call me Sr. Johnson or Mr. Johnson, you call your uncle “Uncle ___”, you call your friend’s parents Mr. Or Ms. ____. You wouldn’t use first names with these people! In Spanish, we have a different way of saying “You” for people we want to show respect to.
Formal “You” You use this “You” when talking to teachers, parents, older relatives, strangers, and anybody older than you or who you want to show respect to. usted
Informal “You” You use this “You” when talking to friends, brothers and sisters, people younger than you. If you would call them by their first name, you can usually use “TÚ” tú
SecciÓn 3: TÚ vs. Usted Practice We will now practice tÚ vs. Usted When sr. Johnson says Go, You Will: –Get out of your seat and go to the closest picture on the wall –While next to the picture, decide whether the person indicated would use tÚ or usted with the other DO Not: Run, have off-task conversations, take longer than 5 minutes
Ejemplo (Example)
cuarenta y dos
SecciÓn 5: Listening practice Listen to sr. Johnson as he reads off numbers. Write down your best guess for each one. Remaing silent and focused.
SecciÓn 6: Work with a partner (1,2 3,4 5,6) on this section. Work quickly, quietly, and talk only with your partner and only about this activity. you will complete each pattern with the missing Spanish number (Spelled out in words)
cuatro quince treinta cero cuarenta Treinta y dos cincuenta y cinco
SecciÓn 7: Independent practice Work silently and independently on the independent practice section First, decide whether tÚ or usted is right for each situation Second, complete math problems with Spanish words
doce cinco veinticuatro cuarenta y cuatro
TAREA (HOMEWORK) By next class, follow the directions on your notes sheet to decode the message Each letter of the alphabet is a number
Exit Ticket This will let sr. Johnson see how well you understand today’s lesson You need to work on it silently and independently You will give the paper to sr. Connolly as you exit. Remember, you can give Sr. Connolly your quiz For Safekeeping as well