Cancer Research UK strategy and funding Simon Vincent
I hope to show you …. Who we are Where we are heading How we can help you in Bath What you can do next
A bit about Cancer Research UK When the Cancer Research Campaign and the Imperial Cancer Research Fund joined forces in February 2002, we became: the largest fund-raising medical charity in the world the largest funder of cancer research in Europe a major influence on government policy relevant to cancer a leading player in the National Cancer Research Institute We are now an organisation that engages directly with 2.5 million people in the UK every year
A bit more about Cancer Research UK Cancer Research UK supports over 500 research groups in 38 towns and cities We support five Institutes: -London, Oxford, Cambridge, Manchester, Glasgow 11% of all new cancer patients in England are on our clinical trials We have 550 shops on the high street We spent £330m on research last year
Cancer Research UKs vision We carry out world-class research to improve our understanding of cancer and find out how to prevent, diagnose and treat different types of cancer We ensure that our findings are used to improve the lives of all cancer patients
Cancer Research UKs vision We help people to understand cancer, the progress we are making and the choices each person can make We work in partnership with others to achieve the greatest impact in the global fight against cancer
Cancer Research UKs 2020 goals People will know how to reduce their risk of cancer The number of smokers will fall dramatically People under 75 will be less likely to get cancer Cancer will be diagnosed earlier We will understand how cancer starts and develops There will be better treatments with fewer side effects More people will survive cancer We will especially tackle cancer in low income communities People with cancer will get the information they need We will continue to fight cancer beyond 2020
Where are we heading? Cancer Research UKs research strategy
The big picture of the strategy There are three core strategies: Supporting research Providing information Influencing public policy
The big picture of the strategy The strategy for our research has three themes: We will focus on scientific quality and clinical impact We will provide the right environment for research We will provide the right people for research
Focusing our research - where do we fit? Carry out research Influence policy Provide information Deliver clinical service Offer support for patients UnderstandPrevent Manage risk Treat Diagnose & screen Palliative care Support patients ResearchActivities
Focusing our research We want to build on current strengths in: Basic science Drug discovery and development Epidemiology Clinical research
Focusing our research We want to do more in: Early detection Imaging Biomarker development Model systems
Focusing our research There are areas where there is a need for more research: Radiotherapy Surgery Oesophageal cancer Pancreatic cancer Lung cancer
Focusing our research There are some things we will do less of or stop: Research in supportive and end-of life care Some aspects of psychosocial oncology Research about surviving cancer And there are some things we will only do with other partners: Obesity Alcohol Diet and exercise
Providing the right environment We will retain our five core-funded Institutes We will establish a network of Cancer Centres that will: -Become a focus for all local cancer research -Support research training -Be the way to deliver future initiatives And the Centres will link our research to: -Patient care -Public engagement -Prevention
How can we help? Funding opportunities
How can Cancer Research UK help you? Biological Sciences Committee Cell and molecular biology of cancer Cancer genetics, genomics and genetic epidemiology Tumour biology Immunology Population Research Committee Clinical and public health epidemiology Educational and behavioural research in prevention, screening and early diagnosis
Funding for research grants and fellowships Centre studentships Career Development Fellowship Senior Cancer Research Fellowship PhDPost-docPost docLecturerReaderProfessor Posts on research grants Career Establishment Awards Project and programme grants
Funding for clinical fellowships Professor SHO or F1 and F2 Specialist training programme Consultant CCST Clinical Training Accounts Clinician Scientist Fellowships Senior Cancer Research Fellowships Research Bursaries
Funding for clinical trials Discovery Committee Biomarkers and Imaging Discovery and Development Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee New Agents Committee Feasibility Study Scheme Bench Phase IPhase IIPhase IIIPhase IV Translational
What happens next?
Talk to us! Fellowships - Simon Vincent Biological Sciences - David Scott, Joslyn Taylor Population Research - Fiona Reddington Clinical Trials - Kate Law, Julie Hearn