National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC1 Dutch ICD-10 and ICF in a CEN Technical Standard Format for version control and maintenance Drs Huib Ten Napel*/** & Egbert J van der Haring** WHO FIC CC* & MI University Medical Centre** Nijmegen The Netherlands
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC2 Presentation overview Electronic versions of ICF & ICD-10? Objectives Standard representation of ICF & ICD-10 Dutch electronic version of ICF Dutch electronic version of ICD-10 Discussion
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC3 Electronic versions of ICF & ICD-10? Divergent needs –traditional users –new users –emancipatory reasons –education in health care –part of professional profiles (nursing, allied health) –implementation in software, EPR, etc. Paper based classifications: –regarded as tools –complex, not easy accessible, –hard to understand
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC4 Objectives How to meet the requirements of: –Users of classifications –The Dutch Centre Focus in this presentation on two aspect: –Standard representation of ICF & ICD-10 –Electronic versions of ICF & ICD-10 for users
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC5 Standard representation of ICF & ICD-10 CEN/TS (ClaML) as the standard –a structured Markup Language for Classifications –explicit representation of classification elements –principles are implemented in the Centres classification management tool –Dutch ICF, first ever classification developed and published in ClaML
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC6 Dutch electronic version of ICF Classification Browser Electronic format (ClaML) Complete text Search function (electronic index) Clickable hotlinks Back and forth Included in hardcopy
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC7 Qualifiers on class level
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC8 Multiple views on classes Shows class in the hierarchy
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC9 Selection window for codes & classes Multiple selections Codes & classes Add & delete Copyfunction to clipboard
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC10 Dutch electronic version of ICD-10 Complete text of ICD-10 from page 105 in ClaML Chapters Blocks Classes + Morfology
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC11 Approach
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC12 Approach
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC13 Approach
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC14 Structuring of extra positions Different representation than presentation on paper Extra positions are explicitly structured in modifier mode Selective assignment for every relevant class by inheritance (not just on chapter or block level) Can be left out where irrelevant
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC15 Modifier assignement by inheritance in codes W00-Y34 (Y06 & Y07) No extra codes for Y06 (& Y07)
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC16 Search index Indexing of selected rubrics Stopwords to add or remove Search with wildcards Additional thesauri possible
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC17 References in ICD-10 Number of referrals in ICD-10 is immense Can be made for every rubric kind Are shown as hyperlinks Back and forth
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC18 Hyperlinks
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC19 Discussion Future use of paper based classifications? –less demand expected, but –still required? –at least be able to produce them! Representation, no problem for most ´simple structured classification schemes´ Presentation, challenges for ICD-10 kind of classification schemes
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC20 Example of a ClaM generated rtf file of ICF
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC21 Discussion, cont.1 Several items were adressed 1 –Lay-out: blocksums (block of a block) italics and bold text and space before and after curly brackets and double faced curly brackets footnotes `white space´ (indenting in most cases) lines in the text as part of a scheme brackets in schemes use of ´includes´ and ´excludes´ in text of extra position
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC22 Discussion, cont.2 Several items were adressed 2 –Content: use of ´includes´ and ´excludes´ in text of extra position use of similar term for class, but not the same use of ´other than´ in inclusions use of dagger and asterix –taxonomic meaning –inconsistent referencing (see paper) –inconsistent use (not the same all over)
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Cologne, 19/25-October 2003Meeting of Heads of WHO FIC CC23 Thank you for your attention