Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University INTRODUCTION to Hideki AOYAMA Lab.
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Research Fields (a)Digital Design Systems Digital Style (Aesthetic) Design CAD (Computer Aided Design) (b)Digital Manufacturing Systems CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) (c)Product Process Analysis (d)Others
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University FieldsSubjects (1) Style (Aesthetic) Design Style (Aesthetic) Design Based on Market’s Trends (2) 3D Modeling System Based on Sketch for Car Body Design (3) 3D Modeling System Based on Sketch for Chair Design (4) Agent System for Style (Aesthetic) Design (5) Virtual Clay Modeling System for Aesthetic Design (6) Style (Aesthetic) Design Based on KANSEI Language (7) 3D Modeling System Based on Characteristic Lines (8) 3D Modeling System Based on High Light Lines (9) 3D Modeling System Based on Silhouette and Boundary Lines
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University FieldsSubjects (10) CAD Computer Aided Design System for Structure of Dies and Molds (11) Off-line Robot Teaching System Using VR Devices (12) Visualization System of Assembling Processes Using VR Devices (13) CAM Advanced CAM System (Determination of Optimum Feed Rate Based on Cutting Force) (14) Advanced CAM System (Determination of Optimum Clamping Force Based on Cutting Force) (15) Automatic Transformation System of Know-how on Cutting Conditions of Skilled Workers to Digital Data (16) Process Sensor to Detect Cutting Force Components, Cutting Torque, and Tool Deformation (17) Analysis of Injection (Thixo) Molding Process for Magnesium Alloy by FEM
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Digital Style (Aesthetic) Design
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Current Aesthetic Design Processes Measurement process (Reverse Eng.) Designer Concept Engineer Computer Model Designer and Modeler Physical Model Sketch Designer Idea
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Sketch & Clay Model
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Sketch, Clay Model, Product
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Proposed Aesthetic Design Processes Designer or Engineer Concept Idea Designer or Engineer Modeling from Rough Physical Model Modeling from Sketch Modeling by Virtual Clay Model system Engineer Proposition Evaluation Data-Base Modeling from Kansei Language Re-Modeling by Highlight Lines and Characteristic Lines Modeling from silhouette Lines
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Sketch Chair Design System from Sketch 3D Model Evaluation of Structural Stability Evaluation of Comfortable sitting Digital human model
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Virtual Clay Modeling System Force feedback device Computer for control the hardware Computer for execute the application 3D Glasses Position & Orientation Force Position tracker Data Glove Virtual Hand Virtual Tool Force Position & Orientation Finger Joints Angles System User Interfaces Input Output Position & Orientation
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Devices for Virtual Clay Modeling System Head Mounted Display Data groves Force Feed Back Device
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Virtual Tool
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Result Constructed by Virtual Clay Modeling System
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Style (Aesthetic) Design Based on KANSEI Language What is the Kansei language? -Kansei language expresses human’s feeling or sense. This system constructs a form of a designed product by using the Kansei language. Procedure to construct form from Kansei Language -Lamsei Languages are transformed into the factor coefficients by the factor analysis. -Form parameters are derived from the factor coefficients by a neural network
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University A Result of Modeling by KANSEI Language Kansei Languages Cute Sporty Sort Formal Casual Spacious Powerful Stable Luxurious Un-tired 3 points 5 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points 3 points Result
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Modeling System Based on Characteristic Lines Characteristic Line What are Characteristic Lines? Characteristic lines are the base lines of the form to directly characterize the product image. What are Characteristic Lines? Characteristic lines are the base lines of the form to directly characterize the product image.
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Modeling System Based on Characteristic Lines Objective of This Study To develop a system to construct more desired 3D car models from a basic model by characteristic lines. characteristic line Type B Type C Type A
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Modeling System Based on High-Light Lines Objective: Development of a system to construct a computer model from highlight lines. What is the high-light lines? Reflecting lines of fluorescent lights Most important parameter expressing form impression High-light lines on a CAD model High-light lines on a physical model
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Results of Modeling Based on High Light Lines Before ProcessingAfter ProcessingCurvature
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University To develop a system to construct the 3-D model of an automobile from the silhouette lines and boundary lines. objective ・ External form design is creative activity depending on designer’s sensibility. ・ Designers often get the idea of a designing product form as silhouette lines and boundary lines. Modeling System Based on Silhouette lines
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University What’s Silhouette Line? Silhouette Lines MAZDA RX-8 Shoulder lineFront window lineRoof lineRear window line Base line Face line Tail line
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University What’s Boundary Line? Boundary Lines MAZDA RX-8
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Flow of developed system Input silhouette and boundary lines Construction of basic surfaces Construction of connecting surfaces side top frontback
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University side top frontback Input Silhouette Lines
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Constructed Model
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University CAM Systems
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Off-line Robot Teaching System Using VR Devices Determination of Optimum Welding Path by Genetic Algorithm
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Estimation of Cutting Force Rotating speed : 1,000(rpm)Feed rate : 0.1(mm/tooth) Depth of cut in axial direction : 10(mm)Depth of cut in radial direction : 2(mm) Cutting Tool Diameter : 15(mm) Workpiece : Carbon steel Advanced CAM System Estimated cutting force [N] Rotation Angle [°]
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Method to determine the optimum feed rate axial depth of cut : 2mm Permissible cutting force : 1200 N tool : φ10mm square endmill spindle speed : 2000 rpm Radial depth of cut : 3 mm workpiece : S55C maximum feed rate under permissible cutting force optimum feed rate Advanced CAM System
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Advanced CAM System Result of calculating the optimun feed rate Axial depth of cut : 4.0 mm Spindle speed : 2300 rpm Workpiece : S55C Tool : 2 flute ball-endmill ( 10 mm) Measured cutting force Calculated cutting force before modification after modification Radial depth of cut : 2.0 mm
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Advanced CAM System Radial depth of cut : 2.0 mm Axial depth of cut : 3.0 mm Spindle speed : 1500 rpm Workpiece : S55C, feed rate : 0.06 mm/rev Tool : 2 flute square-endmill ( 10 mm) XZ Workpiece Tool 100 mm 100 mm D(90,10 ) A(30,20) B(30,80) C(90,90) Fa 2105 N Fb 1971 N Fc 1399 N Fd 1803 N Optimum fixturing force Starting point ( 0,0 ) Goal point ( 0,100 ) fixturing point C fixturing point D fixturing point A fixturing point B Y
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Management of Machine Tools with Internet and Construction Know-how Data-Base of Skilled Workers NC Machine Tool Parameters from NC Controler Management Commands The objective is to develop a system to manage the machine tools with the internet and the open technology of the NC control device, and to construct know-how data base of skilled workers by analysis their operations. Extracted know-how Personal computer Data base Analyzed NC data Network
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Manufacturing Processes
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Developed Sensor Sensor Structure Coil E Coil W Coil N Coil S Sensor shank Ferromagnetic film x y Development of Sensor to detect Cutting Force Components, Cutting Torque, and Tool Deformation
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Flow Analysis for Injection Molding (Thixomolding) of Magnesium Alloy Based on FEM Recently, Mg alloy products are widely used for notebook-type personal computers, portable MDs, etc. because of easy recycling and rich resource. But the injection molding technology for Mg alloy has not been established yet. Die design and injecting conditions are determined by try-and-errors. The objective of this research is to obtain optimum die design and injecting conditions by computer simulation. model result
Lab. for Digital Design & Digital Manufacturing, Dept. of System Design Eng., Keio University Thank you for your attention.