DNR Special Events Coordination Project Jeff Kopaska, Natural Resources Biologist
Background DNR offers state properties and other state-managed areas for use in terms of “special events.” Annually over 700 fishing tournaments, 300 – 500 all- terrain vehicle, snowmobile, and boating events, 120 dog field trails, Scouting events, at least 5 fireworks displays, car shows, motorcycle poker runs, pancake feeds, equestrian events and trials, endurance challenges and marathons, 125 Geocaches, and many more activities.
Current Process Contact the DNR for permit application. Must fill out and submit signed application a minimum of 30 days prior to the event. Both field and/or office staff must approve application. Some applications must also be approved by the Deputy Director. Letter and permit is mailed or faxed back to the promoter or organization in charge of the event.
Current Issues Each bureau has their own form for special events. Public may have to make multiple inquiries/applications to obtain the proper paperwork depending on the type of event they are holding. Currently a lack of communication within the agency Currently there is no comprehensive tracking or coordinated public notification of events.
Expected Results One portal for all event applications (Public). One streamlined application, approval, and notification process (Internal). Public events notification via on-line events calendar and searchable database. Relayed and coordinated events information between local, state and federal entities.
Scope Analysis, Planning Phase Completed Business Analyst services were purchased to do the scope analysis, requirements, and planning phase. The Analyst completed screen mock ups, use cases, requirements and test plan. The documentation from the planning phase was used to prepare the RFP for this project, which went out for bids in June 2009.
Screen Mock Ups
Event Scheduling
Fishing Tournaments
Payment Screen
Application Approval Screen
Search Page
Search Results
System Modification - Events
System Modification - Questions
Recipients of this Service General Public and recreational users (at least 15.2 million uses/year) Businesses Organizations Contestants/Spectators (around 180,000/year) Exhibitors United States Coast Guard Army Corps of Engineers Federal Government DNR field and central office staff (including park managers and rangers, fisheries and wildlife biologists, law enforcement officers, policy staff, etc.) Politicians
DNR Contribution The DNR contributed staff time to work with the Business Analyst. DNR provided a work space and resources necessary for the Business Analyst to perform his/her duties of the job. DNR prepared and submitted RFP for this project; scored the submitted proposals
RFP Process The DNR completed and issued RFP for this project, as requested by the IOWAccess Board DAS received multiple responses to the RFP. All responses indicated that the RFP and documentation was very detailed and complete One proposal has been selected, pending the decision of the IOWAccess Board
Project Time Line PhaseStart Month/Year End Month/Year Amount Scope AnalysisDecember 2008 January 2009$20,000 PlanningJanuary 2009 May 2009$47,250 Execution & first year hosting July 2009November 2009 $152,500