Course 17: NCDs & NTDs Introduction: The Global Burden of Disease and the Rationale for Disease Groupings Serge Resnikoff MD, PhD
Classification of Diseases 1893: “Bertillon Classification of Causes of Death” – 161 titles 10 yr. interval ICD-6: WHO, 1946 ICD-9: 1975 (17,000 codes) ICD-10: 1983 (155,000 codes)
GBD Initiated in 1992 – 107 causes of mortality and disability (diseases and injuries) – 10 risk factors GBD 2004: last published GBD 2010: 400 causes GBD 2001 (2006)
Group I: Communicable, Maternal, Perinatal and Nutritional conditions Group II: Noncommunicable conditions Group III: Injuries “NTDs” Eye/Vision-related * * * * * * * * * * GBD 2004 “NCDs”
Leading Causes of Burden of Diseases, 2004 NCDs = 16.6% Isch.HD + Cer.VD + COPD + Diab + Cancer HIV + TB + Malaria = 8.2% NTDs = 2.2% Eye/Vision: 4.1%
Rationale for Disease Grouping To measure the “True” burden Mainly for Advocacy purpose “My group is bigger than your group” “I deserve more resources”
Misfinancing global health: a case for transparency in disbursements and decision making Devi Sridhar, Rajaie Batniji, Lancet 2008 Visual Impairment *