Survey 500 s to AASHTO, TRB, passenger and freight stakeholders 1500 member distribution list from American Short Line and Regional Railroad Association Selected Class 1 and regional/short line railroads Investment community supplemental interviews
Percent Responses by Type
State Response Some States have no programs. Amounts range between $2-$40 million More states are moving toward multimodal funding
State Response Grants are often preferred, easier to award then loans. Few Dedicated Funding Programs limit grant program expansion.
Ranking of Rail Fund Objectives StateAgencyPerspective
Program Objectives in Order of Importance No difference between Group and State response Economic Development is a Common Theme Rail investment not seen as mode conversion tool
State Investments State investment is dependent upon funding and business objectives. Limited funding for passenger rail. Often Legislative barriers.
Are there Institutional Restrictions for State Rail Programs? “Can’t own rolling stock or operate railroads” “State owns railroad but there are restrictions on what rail can do” “Can’t lend money to private business” “State can not own rail” “Gas tax revenues are restricted”
State’s Self Assessment of Success “More funding needed for safety, surface and infrastructure” “State expectations are low” “Need funding for projects existing programs can’t meet” “Need to establish measurements to understand progress”
Existing Program Improvements Needed “More funding needed for Industrial Rail Service” “Rail completes with five other modes for state funding” “Grade crossing protection funding inadequate” “Funding needed for PTC mandate – especially short lines” “Without sufficient funding can’t support forgivable loan program” “Performance measures needed” “RRIF credit risk premium is a hurdle many can’t overcome” “Need Federal formula funds for rail infrastructure”
Essential Elements of Innovative Projects Maximum multimodal flexibility Public-Private partnerships and better vision for the future Responsive Stakeholder and political support Something the Railroads will use Simple, streamlined, with efficient oversight Quick access to funds A value proposition that will incent private investment Design Build Opportunities Something that does not require State Transportation Funding
Website A data base if over 200 State Programs Searchable by program types Publicly Available Demonstrations available at TRB Annual Meeting 2015
Feedback? Examples? Attributes? Recommendations? Program Eligibility? Funding objectives? Measurements? InnovationProgram Funding