First-Year Induction Meeting for BSc Economics L100 Degree
A very warm Welcome to you all from Robin Naylor Director of Undergraduate Studies 2
Key People 3 Jonathan CaveSenior Tutor Economics Natalie ChenDeputy Director of UG Studies Elizabeth Jones Year 1 Tutor Economics
Key People Undergraduate Office 4 Ann Simper Undergraduate Co-ordinator Keir Thorpe UG (T&L) Manager Emily Nunan Leanne Bird
Who Are You? Numbers of First Year students by degree: Approx 50% Home-EU, 50% non-EU 5 Economics347 Economics and Industrial Organization 25 Economics, Politics, & International St (EPAIS)61 Philosophy, Politics & Economics (PPE)130 Total based in Economics Department in Yr 1563 Mathematics and Economics 16
Getting Started…1 By now, you should have: Completed the University online enrolment Registered your IT Services (ITS) account Browsed the Department’s Induction Page Familiarised yourself with the online UG Handbook Logged on to my.economics Logged on to my.warwick Registered in the Department of Economics (10am-2pm) Viewed and printed your personalised Induction Week Timetable... 6
Getting Started…2 You should now: 1. Check your lecture timetable (seminar timetable will be posted during the week – for core modules) 2. Decide which modules you will take (more on this later) 3. Register for your modules (deadline = Friday week 3) Follow the link from my.economics to the eVision Module Registration system (eMR) 4. Meet your Personal Tutor in week 2 (Group Meetings) You can see your Year 1 Tutor for help, guidance or support prior to that 7
First Year Modules See UG Handbook (module pages) 4 Core (compulsory) modules: EC108 Macroeconomics 1 EC109 Microeconomics 1 EC120 Quantitative Techniques EC104 The World Economy: History and Theory +1 Option: = 1 x 30 (or 24) CATS or 2 x 15 (or 12) CATS 8
Quantitative Techniques Module EC120 Quantitative Techniques comprises three sub-modules. All are required 1. EC123 Mathematical Techniques B (Term 1) 2. EC124 Statistical Techniques B (Term 2) 3. EC125 Computing & Data Analysis (all year) 9
Choosing your Option …1 Option modules are: Either Economics options such as EC112/EC132 The Industrial Economy: Global Shift/Strategy EC119/EC133 Mathematical Analysis/Linear Algebra Or ‘outside’ options taught by other departments Note: Importance of Balanced Loads across Terms Consequences for module choices in Years 2 and 3 Typically, you sign up for seminar groups on your optional modules 10
Choosing your Option …2 If you are interested in an EC-coded module… Check the online Undergraduate Handbook, module website and the timetable Attend the first lecture (or, if in doubt, more) If/when you are sure of your choice, register on line via eMR (deadline: October 18th) 11
Choosing your Option …3 If you are interested in an ‘outside’ option, find out from the host Department: The syllabus and timetable (attend lectures) Whether you possess any subject prerequisites, e.g. a particular GCSE or A-level? Is there a limit on numbers? How you register with the host Department, if necessary (eg PAIS and Psychology: it’s their UG offices – and week 2 latest for PAIS). Does the timetable clash with your core lectures? If so, consult with the Economics UG Office. If you opt for the module, Register your choice on eMR 12
Teaching and Learning Usual pattern for a large module is… Lectures: – Attended by all students taking the module – Usually 2 or 3 hourly meetings per week (consult timetables on my.warwick and 1 st year noticeboard) Plus Classes/seminars/tutorials: Small Groups – Discuss work set by lecturer with a tutor – Allocated by UG Office for core modules – Meet weekly (core modules) typically from Week 3 (scheduling on my economics during week 1) 13
Teaching and Learning Classes or Tutorials: Small Groups Attendance compulsory... Attendance Registered Participation policy[with no Switching]; Contact and Feedback Classes, Office Hours, s, appointments, assessments, presentations 14
Assessment and Feedback Coursework assessments (less weight in Year 1) Summer examinations (typically 80% after Year 1) Feedback is via: Coursework feedback Seminar classes Staff Office hours 15
Absences You are expected be on campus for the entire term Family holidays etc, are not regarded as mitigating circumstances Medical evidence relating to extensions for assessments or missed tests MUST be submitted within one week; you are responsible for doing so You must keep the Department informed of mitigating illnesses or other issues (Year 1 Tutor) 16
English not Your First Language? Free tuition on courses given by the University’s Centre for English Language Teacher Education (CELTE) More information: follow the link from 17
Who We Are? We are academic economists About half of our time is devoted to academic research (writing scholarly articles) Varying interests, different styles, different views about teaching methods Reputation (Research, Teaching, NSS, DLHE) 18
Studying at University We try our best to provide a stimulating and enabling research-led T&L environment You are responsible for your learning UG student as trainee researcher UG student as team-player Skills, careers, opportunities (see KIS)KIS 19
Communication From Us to You: You should use your address. No hotmail, yahoo etc – NB please keep contact details up to date My.economics : Assessment marks/absences/PT log/etc: - you should be checking accuracy of our records Module and UG web-sites Noticeboards 20
Communication From You to Us: via my.economics To the UG Office or to DUGSE or other as appropriate Queries: Undergraduate Office is Room S0.98 Your Personal Tutor/Year Tutor Through SSLCs and Module/Course Evaluation 21
Getting Started…Reminder You should now: 1. Check your lecture timetable (seminar timetable will be posted during the week – for core modules) 2. Decide which modules you will take 3. Meet your Personal Tutor in week 2 (in Groups) 4. Register for your modules Follow the link from my.economics to the eVision Module Registration system (eMR) 22