ACFL11 Advanced Corporate Finance
ACFL12 Advanced Corporate Finance What is it? From Wikipedia Corporate finance is an area of finance dealing with the financial decisions corporations have to make and the tools and analysis used to make these decisions. The primary goal of corporate finance is to maximise corporate value while reducing the firms financial risks.
ACFL13 Advanced Corporate Finance The discipline can be divided into long term and short term decisions and techniques. Long term includes: Which projects to undertake? How to finance them? How to reward shareholders? Short term includes: Managing cash, managing inventories, managing short term borrowing and investing, in short…. Working capital management
ACFL14 Advanced Corporate Finance The terms Corporate Finance and Corporate Financier are also associated with Investment Banking. Investment Banks evaluate a companys financial needs and the best ways to raise the appropriate type of capital.
ACFL15 Advanced Corporate Finance The Association of Corporate Treasurers also talk about three interesting questions fundamental to treasury How do we decide what to invest in? How do we raise the money to make those investments? How do we control risk in the organisation?
ACFL16 Advanced Corporate Finance We have touched on a lot of the issues in the first year and you will be expected to be familiar with the material that has been covered. There will be some overlap to ensure continuity. I am Anthony Birts Contactable on X3675 Text book is Corporate Finance by Jonathan Berk and Peter DeMarzo. Published by Pearson. Any Questions?