Oxfam Great Britain Saeed ul Hassan Lead Author and Presenter Oxfam Great Britain Irony of Scanty Resources for Education in Pakistan
Never Ever … A Pro- Poor Budget
Past reality but still a general perspective
In this year’s budget, a total of Rs734 billion had been allocated for education, which presents an increase of 15% compared with the previous year’s allocated budget. In the last three years, the combined education budget for the federal government and provinces has increased significantly by 27%, from Rs580 billion in to Rs734 billion in The Incheon declaration at the World Education Forum (WEF) 2015 in Republic of Korea urges the governments to allocate at least 4-6% of their GDP and at least 15-20% of the total public expenditure on education. Education is a provincial subject in Pakistan and therefore, a look at the provincial budgets would give us an idea of the financial commitment of government for education. Referring to the provincial budgets only, a combined budget of Rs636 billion has been earmarked for education in which is Rs84 billion (15%) more than the allocation in Looking at the education budget , Pakistan allocated 22% of its Rs2, 918 billion budget (all provinces combined) for education which is higher than the recommended percentage in the Declaration. And the Current Reality is….
The Difference between Development budget Allocation and Expenditure at The Provincial Levels ( )
Based on the Political Economy Analysis of the district and systematically supported by Social accountability tools: District Level Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) and UC, Tehsil and district level report cards (depicting spending patterns) are prepared and widely disseminated How will a model district look like??—“Model of Integrated Engagement” A district which demonstrates trackable improvements in ensuring that the education budget (development) spending is judiciously done according to need with yearlong agreed performance indicators (baseline) evidently reflecting gender responsiveness, timeliness and transparency supported and influenced by effective citizens’ voice and action with well- coordinated involvement at the provincial level for better delivery of education services (equitable access & quality) Accountability & Support in System Strengthening Budget Advisory/Accountability Group works as self-driven pressure group influencing the district authorities to bridge commitment and implementation gap and support in required capacity enhancement to be agile and responsive to needs Capitalising upon the existing well- grounded district based structures of Women Leaders/Change Makers and School Council Alliances Children and youth led campaigning its My Right Make It Right, vibrant youth from Universities, private, public colleges, social media ensure the judicious spending of the budget. Budget Influencing through propagating “People Charter of Demands” & influencing through social accountability tools, media stunts, pressure tactics/campaigning based on evidence based researches ensure judicious spending of existing budget. Complementary linkages of annual district education planning with effective school based budgeting (SDPs) strengthened. Responsiveness Timely releases of school council funds, school, district and provincial authorities are aware of the need for planning well and ensuring that the current budget expenditure is being spent – as per the demands placed by BAG. 60 to 80% of the development budget being utilised is line with the needs of students articulated by the informed rights holders and active citizens. Focus on citizens’ Integrated Engagement, Leveraging and system Strengthening
What needs to be done is… The Timely & Optimal Utilization of all available resources
“A conscious effort … from breaking the silos to working together”
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