LPOL-cavity Introduction Tests at Orsay Optics (laser polarisation) Calorimeter DAQ Mechanics & installation at DESY Norbert’s talk
Principle of the P e Measurement with a Longitudinal Polarimeter Compton Scattering: e+ e+ Cross Section: d /dE = 0 (E ) - P e S 1 (E ) 0, 1 : known (QED) P e : Polarization of the e beam to be measured S : level of circular polarization of the laser beam Luminosity (electron-laser): e (27.5GeV) (k=1.165eV) EE Photon detector I e : e beam intensity P L : Laser beam power Scattered photon P e =0.6 Large P L & S high precision for P e
Fabry-Perot cavity: principle e beam Polar. Lin. Polar. Circ. When Laser = 0 c/2L r e sonance L But : / Laser = laser/cavity feedback Done by changing the laser frequency Laser: Nd:YAG (infrared, =1064 nm) Gain 8000
Photodiode feedback (Saclay) Laser ND:YAG Mirror mounts Motorised mirrors CCD Vacuum pump Optcal room Temperature: 0.5 o Test cavity at orsay Sept. 2001/oct. 2002
V 2Hz & 10V pic-pic Ramp Intensity transmited laser =75MHz t(oscillo)/s zoom t(oscillo)/s Intensity reflected 100 s laser glan cavity P-diode 200 ms fit Data (oscillo) laser gain cavity test 2000 (8000 expected) ( laser = MHz) Because of mirror Coatings… qwp
Hera plane is not Horizontal … Final cavity Orsay: Oct. 2002/feb.2003 e beam Ellipsometer
Results with final cavity at Orsay Mirrors movable from outside cavity mirrors quality not homogeneous cavity gain is now >7000 BUT: only 65%-70% on the laser incident power is coupled to the cavity under investigation: we suspect the laser linewidth ( 5kHz for 1ms % Cavity bandwith 3kHz for 0.05ms) Power inside cavity: 65% * 7000* 700mW 3200W
Transmitted Power % time Reflected power % time Gain estimated by Christian’s fits: Good agreement impossible without laser linewidth
Cavity gain via cavity decay time (V. Soskov): laser pumping diode switched off when cavity is locked transmitted power measured as function of time The biggest the power inside cavity, the higher the decay time ( formula…) 1rst test cavity 1rst & 2nd try With final vavity Best with test cavity
Quart wave plate is the most sensitive element … :- Choice & calibration important for a per mill level measurement … reached after 2 years of efforts … Ellipsometry (`classic’) : such : (I1-I2)/(I1+I2) degree of circular polarisation after cavity = Quarter wave plate
Temp. controlled p-diode Electronics ( Peletier module ) ccd QWP HBS Beam splitter wollaston 3 InGaAs p-diodes Laser beam after cavity Beam shutter (p-diodes pedestals)
100 mW YAG Laser Wollaston cube 4 4 p-diode I1 p-diode I2 Glan Thomson Polar vertical Calibration of the ellipsometer p-diode I0 Performances Wollaston & Glan Thomson : ( verified) Measurements of I1/I0 et I2/I0 (2MHz ADCs) as function of for différent incident angles fit no, ne & thickness Polar horizontal Polar vertical Polar elliptic
e/ m 22 22 22 nene nono < 0.1% < 50 nm/150 m Results Laser polar controlled at 0.1% level for HERA (obtained with p-diode electronics stabilised at 0.05 o ) Pate auto- calibration by Interferometry
Calorimeter readout Same system as H1-Lumi calo readout but RIO card with 1 Mb MFCC L2 cache memory ( polarisation for all bunches 10MHz ) MFCC FPGA Programming is done and tested Histogramming in the L2 cache is being programmed The slow control part (PVSS+LabView) is also being programmed
Conclusions Feedback and cavity gain –Work fine, power inside cavity also fine: 70%*8000*700mW=4000W Laser polarisation –Per mill level reached after 2 years of work… Calo. DAQ should be ready before the end of the shutdown Laser is being aligned and locking …