Information Provided by the Douglas Board of Selectmen and Strategic Budget Committee April 24, 2013
Why is an Override question on the ballot? The override question will allow the voters to determine the level of municipal and school services they will receive going forward Expenses have outpaced revenues Current level of essential services in jeopardy
COMMUNITY COMPARISON - AVERAGE SINGLE FAMILY TAX BILL Community FY12 Average Single Family Tax Bill FY13 Average Single Family Tax Bill Upton$5,630$5,809 Mendon$5,111$5,260 Grafton$4,771$5,053 Sutton$4,607$4,845 Uxbridge$4,395$4,774 Hopedale$4,505$4,584 Blackstone$4,081$4,210 Douglas$3,664$4,138 Millville$3,610$3,809 Northbridge$3,390$3,234 Averages$4,376.40$4,571.60
5 Yr Increase of $2,710,193 5 Yr Increase of $246,325 5 Yr Increase of 42.2% 5 Yr Increase of 2.7% Average Annual Increase of 8.4% Average Annual Increase of.5%
What have been the impacts of five years of escalating fixed costs? Historical Comparison excluding fixed costs, insurance, debt and employee benefits; FY09 – FY13 Summary of ExpendituresFY09 Final Budget FY13 Budget as of Nov. 12 % Change Avg. Annual % Change Total General Government1,412,8371,357, % -0.98% Total Public Safety2,241,6882,285, % 0.49% Total Public Works (excl. snow/ice)745,325622, % -4.11% Total Health & Human Serv.202,349268, % 8.15% Total Culture & Recreation233,668208, % -2.65% Total Education (Inc. Trans)11,865,03813,043, % 2.48% Douglas Public School Only10,580,88311,503, % 2.18%
FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 SCHOOL DISTRICTPer Pupil $ % Increase Per Pupil $ % Increase Per Pupil $ % Increase Uxbridge11, %11, %12, % Sutton10, %10, %11, % Mendon/Upton10, %10, %11, % Northbridge11, %11, %11, % Blackstone/Millville10, %10, %10, % Hopedale9, %9, %10, % Douglas9, %9, %10, % Grafton9, %9, %10, % Douglas Lowest Per Pupil Spending Douglas 2nd Lowest Per Pupil Spending
How has this decrease in available funding impacted our School and Municipal services over the last five years? Elimination of 3 municipal center and 1 Highway Department positions Inability to adequately fund snow and ice removal (5 yr. average $247,000) Deferred maintenance on all municipal buildings Inability to fund capital needs (necessary repairs and vehicle/equipment purchases) Elimination of 13 teacher positions Elimination of 1.75 school custodian positions
As a result of a successful negotiation between the Town and its employees (which was finalized as of April 2 nd ), the Town was able to make significant changes in health insurance benefits, achieving greater savings than originally anticipated. The following budgets were increased as a result: Purchase of two police vehicles: $72,000 Douglas Public Schools - Personnel & Expenses: $120,000 Douglas School Transportation: $41,000
If passed, how do we anticipate the override funds to be spent? Douglas Schools – Personnel & Expenses (Instructional/Other School Expenses) Insurance – Health & Life/HRA $800,000 $115,000 Capital $210,000 Snow & Ice $140,000 Police Cruisers $60,000 Municipal Buildings Expense $30,000 Highway Maintenance $20,000 Police Wages – Part-time Clerical $15,000 Transfer to Other Post Employment Benefits Trust $10,000
What will be the effects to the school and municipal departments if the override fails? Capital items Update of Financial Software$90,000 Primary School Intercom Upgrades$20,000 Fire Dept. - Jaws of Life$31,000 Highway Dept. - 4x4 Pickup Truck w/plow$33,000 Police Dept. – Mobile Computer Data Terminals$36,000 Elimination of 8.3 Teachers Elimination of 4.0 Paraprofessionals Reduction of 0.4 Guidance Counselor Reduction in Custodial & Clerical Staffing Reduction in Text books, Instructional and Educational Supplies Reduction in DHS Athletic/Music/Band/Chorus funding Reduction in various other staff and supplies (Any further loss of state and federal grants or reduction in school choice revenue will result in further cuts.) Inability to make repairs to town buildings Inability to properly fund snow & ice removal Reduction of Public works tasks–i.e., street sweeping & brush cutting Inability to fund Capital items ( $210,000 )
If approved, what would the $1.4 million override cost the average taxpayer? The override would cost the average single family home ( $259,500) $ per year based upon the FY13 Tax Rate – or the equivalent of $1.64 per $1,000 based upon the current FY13 assessed property value. Average Single Family Home Value$200,000$259,500$400,000$500,000 $1.64 Per Thousand$328$425.58$656$820
State law provides a mechanism by which the Town may override the limitations imposed by Proposition 2 ½ with regard to the amount the Town may raise by taxation in the fiscal year that begins on July 1, A YES vote on Question 1 would authorize the assessment of an additional $1.4 million beyond the limitation imposed by Proposition 2 ½ to be used for town and school operation expenses and capital expenses. A NO vote on Question 1 would disapprove the assessment of an additional $1.4 million beyond the limitation imposed by Proposition 2 ½ to have been used for town and school operating expenses and capital expenses. Shall the Town of Douglas be allowed to assess an additional $1.4 million in real estate and personal property taxes for the purposes of funding town and school operating and capital expenses for the fiscal year beginning July first, two thousand and thirteen? YES _______ NO _______ Question 1 Summary
Important Dates May 6 th – Town Meeting Douglas High School 7:00 PM May 14 th – Annual Town Election Override Ballot Question Douglas Municipal Center Gymnasium 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Questions / Discussion