Scientific knowledge expected from audiological engineers and researchers being applied in Phonak‘s research and development Draft Dec 2007 Michael Boretzki
Foundations of research Hypothesis, theory and experienced world Mathematics and modelling Design and conduction of measurements, oberservations, experiments Causality: Handling variability in experiments vs. observations Development of an experimental setup Principles of asking and instructing subjects Interviewing, questionaires Data analysis Data handling: databases, data preparation Descriptive, inferential statistics Data mining Documentation, communication of measurements, observations, experiments
Acoustics Measurement of Sound pressure level Frequency spectrum Reverberation Room acoustics Electroacoustics Acoustics of sound stimulating the ear Basics of sound engineering Recording Cutting Processing Mixing
Physiology of hearing Basics of neuronal processing System and components of hearing organ Objective measures of the auditory system
Psychophysics Measurement of absolute thresholds difference thresholds absolute magnitudes Auditory psychophysical relations Loudness Timbre Intelligibility Localization Auditory pleasantness
Psychoacoustics Basics of sensory processing Sensation and masking Formation of perceptual field, Gestalt formation Impact of experience and memory Dimensions of hearing Measurement of Hearing thresholds Loudness Intelligibility Localization Auditory pleasantness
Audiology Hearing impairment Origins of hearing impairment Disorders of auditory system Functional impairments Auditory disabilities Handicaps Psychological consequences of hearing impairment Rehabilitation Pharmaceutic Surgery Amplification Psychological Pediatric audiology Diagnostics Audiometry Needs assessment Outcome assessment Gerontology
Amplification Principles of digital signal processing Microphones, receivers Hearing aids, cochlear implants, middle-ear implants, bone-anchored systems Technical principles of hearing aids Analysis of incoming sound Amplification: Adaptive gain steering Sound cleaning: Noise suppression, directionality Artifact suppression Automatic steering of signal processing Manual steering of signal processing Fitting hearing aids Model and diagnostics-driven part Experience-driven part Measurement and analysis of hearing aids‘ behaviour in general and at individual ear
Tools Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Outlook Internet Matlab, C, VBA Statistics software Sound engineering software Audiometrical software Fitting software Equipment and software for electroacoustic analysis English