Who Are We? We are the Operations & Decision Technologies (ODT) Department We do things like Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Resource Planning with SAP and e-business – stuff that is super HOT!!
Our Majors Our Majors OM BPM Operations Management Often double with Finance, Mktg, or CIS Business Process Management (BPM) One of the two technology majors in the Kelley School Very attractive by itself or as a double major with Marketing, Finance and CIS
What Do We Teach? Business problem solving and analysis using technology VB, VBA, Excel, C/C++, JAVA Analysis of business processes Process Charter, MS Project, SAP R/3 Enterprise Applications ERP Using SAP R/3 Supply Chain Management e-business Data Warehousing and Data Mining
OM Major Requirements Three of the following: P320: Supply Chain Mgmt - Sourcing P421: Supply Chain Mgmt – Materials Mgmt and Logistics P429: Operations Processes Two Electives from either Information Systems, Decision Sciences, Marketing, Accounting or Finance (for a total of five courses)
BPM Concentration Reqts Core courses: A201 or S205: Programming K317: ERP Tools (SAP) BPM Electives (Three out of the following): K217: Business Process Tools K410: Decision Support Systems P421: Supply Chain Management P429: Operations Processes P431: Enterprise Operations Planning (SAP) Two Non-ODT Electives
Programming Enterprise Systems Operations/ Supply Chain Data Analysis/ DSS/Data Mining K317 & P431 K217 & K410P421 & P429
Types of Jobs for OM FedEx Could be in manufacturing or service or consulting jobs Representative job titles: Operations Analyst or Consultant Plant Manager Inventory Control Manager Production Manager Distribution Manager
Types of Jobs for BPM Business Analyst ERP or e-business Specialist Business Consultant In-house or External All types of applications Finance, Marketing, Operations, etc. Non-technical to very technical
Why Choose BPM? You: Like to solve business problems with technology Like to keep on the cutting edge Want to be part of a select new group of technology professionals Want a well-paid, challenging job Want to use your analytical/logical skills Like personal interaction with faculty
Outlook for Graduates SUPER, GREAT, FANTASTIC!! Demand for technology students much greater than supply Enterprise Applications/e-business, the Hot Area No downturn in sight Pay is great (Current Offers $ 50K to $ 75K) Increasing number of internships available before graduation
Companies are Seeking Graduates who: Are eager and able to learn Have knowledge of business processes Have technical abilities and competence Have analytical abilities Have “people” (communications) skills Students from the Kelley School have them all!!
Who Recruits BPM/OM Majors? Procter & Gamble Eli Lilly IBM General Electric Microsoft Intel Sun Microsystems Exxon Mobil GE Capital Owens Corning Hewlett Packard Allegiance Healthcare Raytheon Cap Gemini E & Y PWC Deloitte Consulting Anderson Consulting Arthur Anderson EDS Crowe Chizek Kurt Salmon & Assoc Emana Zees Braun Consulting Ciber/Summit Group Onex Consulting
The ODT Faculty Operations & Decision Technologies Decision Sciences/Technologies Professors Albright, Venkat, Soni, Briggs, Bretthaeur, Winston, Harnett, Akaiwa Operations Management Professors Jacobs, Patterson, Schultz, Moore, Garrett, Mabert, Blocher, Schmenner, Way
Where Are We? O&DT - On Top of The World! O&DT - On Top of The World! Decision Technologies Faculty - BU570 Operations Mgt Faculty - BU670 Contacts: Professors Briggs, Mabert, Soni and Venkat Office phone number:
JOIN the ODT Club A great club with lots of exciting events Lots of corporate events Get in on the ground floor!
Our Panel: Alumni: Sara Gass – Cap Gemini E & Y Kevin Monds – P & G Greg Shewmaker - PWC Kara Harfst – Eli Lilly Tiffani Underwood – IBM Mike Kaplan - Olive & Co Current BPM Students: Prashant Mehra – Microsoft