Meeting Agenda (1)Overview ( 概观 ) (2)Questions from previous week ( 上周遗留问题 ) (3)Optimization Algorithm Update ( 优化更新 )
(1) Overview Previous Week and Current Week: – Questions from previous weeks. ( 上周遗留问题 ) – Optimization algorithm update. ( 优化更新 ) – Propose new schedule ( 新的排程 ) Tasks in Progress: – Development of GUI and establishing link between SEAS GUI and algorithm. – Overtime implementation. – Corrections to the proposed schedule.
(2) Previous week questions To show a completed scheduling plan for one purchase order. ( 生成一个订单排程 ) Input matrix for machine availability. ( 设备 / 材 料到位输入矩阵的形式 ) Algorithm to provide the optimized inputsheet ( 算法是否可提供优化过后的 inputsheet) MATLAB and VBA Bridge (MATLAB 和 VBA 的连 接 )
(3) Optimization Update Input sheet format generation – Previously, after every generation the algorithm was generating a matrix for calculating the KPI which had a format similar to the input matrix used for training the ANN. – The algorithm now generates an excel sheet which has the format of the input sheets provided by SEAS. A schedule for all the 14 work orders has been created. Please refer to excel.