Introduction to CNS pharmacology This introductory powerpoint presentation is to give you the background to enable the later sessions that deal with drugs affecting cognition and emotion. Dr Caroline Stewart
Learning Outcomes List the principal neurotransmitters of the central nervous system. Be aware of the distribution and function of the major neurotransmitters in the brain. Describe the processes involved in chemical transmission at central synapses. Explain the mechanisms by which drugs gain access to the central nervous system.
What is the central nervous system? PNS: Autonomic Sympathetic parasympathetic Somatic CNS: Brain Spinal cord The brain and spinal cord constitute the central nervous system. Many different cell types exist (more than in other organs), different receptors and interconnecting pathways. This makes it difficult to predict action of an individual drug/compound. FOR MORE DETAILS SEE Overview of Nervous System Lecture BY Paul Felts
Function of the CNS Receive and process information (spinal cord is usually the conduit) Initiate and maintain appropriate response physical emotional The brain is the command centre of the body. Information from the outside world and inside the body has to be interpreted and the appropriate response initiated e.g. muscular or glandular. Complex pathways link specific areas together
Components of the CNS Neurones Glial Cells Extracellular space Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes Ependymal cells Microglia Extracellular space Ventricular system (CSF) There are the working units of the central nervous system. In post-mortem or some forms of imaging: cell bodies – grey matter; axons – white matter Neurones are highly assymetric polarised cells. Vast array of shapes and sizes for specialised uses. They receive and transmit information. FOR MORE DETAILS SEE NEUROLOGY LECTURE BY SANDY HARPER (Introduction to neurones, nerve conduction, synaptic transmission, muscle contraction) Glial cells have a supportive role both in structure and function Astrocytes outnumber neurones by about 10 to 1. They hold neurones in place, regulate nutrients, modify neuronal signals and can regulate local blood flow. Oligodendrocytes are responsible for the myelin sheath to permit rapid electrical conduction Ependymal cells line cerebral ventricles and are responsible for the manufacture of cerebrospinal fluid Microglia are the defense mechanism. Phagocytic cells of the brain. Excessive activation could lead to inflammation.
Organisation of the CNS Sensory system Motor system Limbic system Please refer back to Paul Felts lecture on the detailed anatomy of the brain and the regional specialisation of some functions. We will try and consider the function of the CNS under 3 main systems to cover the drugs used in psychiatric conditions but also to understand their possible side effects on other brain functions.
Sensory system Cortex Reticular activating system: Regulates arousal and wakefulness Specific projection In the somatosensory cortex certain areas of the body are disproportionately represented according to their importance. FOR MORE DETAIL SEE NEUROANATOMY LECTURE BY PAUL FELTS Examples of sensory receptors are retinal cell or cochlear hair cell There is a direct pathway to cortex There is also an indirect pathway via the RETICULAR FORMATION Nuclei in the brain stem and thalamus are involved in arousal levels. At one extreme is unconsiousness. Emotions like fear require vigilance. Different neurotransmitters are involved. Smelling salts are thought to stimulate the trigeminal nerve which actives the Reticular Activating System (RAS). Sensory receptor
Polysynaptic spinal interneurones Motor system Extrapyramidal system (motor coordination and posture) Motor cortex Corticospinal pathway (pyramidal tract) cerebellum basal ganglia vestibular nuclei CNS sensory system Sensoryreceptor Controls movement Voluntary actions start in the motor cortex Two systems described although it is difficult to entirely separate them by structure or function Pyramidal tract named due to appearance in pathological sections and is more involved in carrying out a detailed task e.g. stitching by a surgeon FOR MORE DETAIL SEE NEUROANATOMY LECTURE BY PAUL FELTS Extrapyramidal system results in smooth movements, inhibits inappropriate or unwanted activity, initiates movement and the learning of motor skills Polysynaptic spinal interneurones Skeletal muscle Anterior horn cell
Processing of sensory information Regulation of emotion and mood Limbic system Processing of sensory information Cortex Limbic system Regulation of emotion and mood Hypothalamus Pituitary This is an even more diffuse collection of different brain areas Emotions can activate behavioural repertoires AND physiological outcomes that may be adaptive to outside or inside stimuli EMOTION = transient e.g.happy, sad, fear, anger or disgust MOOD = predominant state over time e.g. depression, mania What kind of biological responses do you feel when you are afraid? Centres regulating autonomic function and links to others via medulla (e.g. BP, HR) Ganglia
Cingulate gyrus Anterior nucleus of thalamus Thalamus Para-olfactory area Fornix Here is more detail of structures that are part of the limbic system Hippocampus – major role in memory formation Amygdala – important in regulating fear responses The olfactory cortex is well represented, smells are good at stimulating memories or emotions. FOR MORE DETAILS SEE NEUROANATOMY LECTURES BY PAUL FELTS Mamillary bodies of hypothalamus Hypothalamus Hippocampus Uncus Amygdala Para-hippocampal gyrus
The synapse Transmission of information from one neurone to another Derived from Greek word for clasp. Neurones can form thousands of synapses with other neurones. The majority of synapses in the brain are chemical. What other type of communication is there between neurones? FOR ANSWER SEE NEUROLOGY LECTURE “Introduction to neurones, nerve conduction, synaptic transmission, muscle contraction” BY SANDY HARPER
Chemical messengers Neurotransmitter (fast and slow synaptic transmission) Neuromodulator (diffuse, slower action) Neurotrophin (long lasting effects on growth and morphology) There are many types of chemical messenger. We will focus most on neurotransmitters. These are released by a neurone and act over a short distance on receptors of another neurone. Neuromodulator is a term that describes action that is more diffuse, e.g. it may come from glial cells and can have short or longer term effects. Includes neuropeptides and things like nitric oxide. Neurotropins can affect growth and survival of neurones and also functional properties
Identifying neurotransmitters Localisation Release Synaptic mimicry Synaptic pharmacology Many substances have been identified from small gaseous molecules like nitric oxide to larger pepties. They should be found in presynaptic terminals or dendrites/soma Their release should be dependent on extracellular Ca2+ Exogenous application of substance should have the same effect If action of the substance can be blocked by a known antagonist this is strongly suggestive of it being a neurotransmitter
Types of neurotransmitter Small molecules amino acids (glutamate, GABA) biogenic amines (ACh, NA, DA, 5-HT) Neuropeptides (cholecystokinin, Substance P, enkephalins) Diffusable gases nitric oxide Lipid mediators (e.g. endocannabinoids) Neurotrophins (e.g. nerve growth factor) Steroids Neurotransmitters can be classified into groups but as nearly all drugs used clinically target the first two we will focus on them. There is future potential for the other mediators and receptors, especially for possible repair in CNS?
Amino acid neurotransmitters NH2 O OH Glutamic acid (glutamate): principal excitatory transmitter in the brain Gamma amino butyric acid (GABA): main inhibitory transmitter in the brain Widely distributed Target for general anaesthetics, anti-epileptics, anxiolytics. NH2 O HO Glutamate mediates most of the fast excitatory transmission in the brain and is present in most neuronal circuits. Aspartate may also play a role in some areas. Overactivity has been linked to various disorders, especially those related to excitotoxicity GABA is the most common neurotransmitter and is probably released at up to 40% of brain synapses. Glycine also plays a role, especially in the spinal cord. As they do not cross the blood brain barrier they need to be synthesised from glucose and other precursors
Attentional processes Cholinergic system N+ O Acetylcholine Receptors: muscarinic and nicotinic Motor control Acetylcloline was the first molecule to be indentified as a neurotransmitter and is also found in peripheral nervous system Unlike the amino acid neurotransmitters, it has a much more localised distribution. Neurones containing ACh are only found in certain areas. Intrinsic interneurones e.g. Striatum - role in motor control (relevant to some treatments for Parkinson’s disease) Longer projection systems with roles in attention, cognitive function (learning & memory – relevant to Alzheimer’s disease): Nucleus Basalis of Meynert to cortex, thalamus, amygdala and… Septohippocampal system - Brain stem projections Learning and memory Attentional processes
Noradrenergic system Noradrenaline/norepinephrine HO OH NH2 Noradrenergic system Noradrenaline/norepinephrine Receptors: and -adrenoceptors Arousal, emotion This neurotransmitter is also found in the sympathetic nervous system. Receptors are G-protein linked. Two main projecting nuclei in locus coeruleus (LC) and brain stem (pons/medulla) Each noradrenaline (NA) containing neurone has many terminals and innervates many other cells LC neurones may be involved in arousal (silent during sleep) but NA has also been implicated in mood regulation, cells are particularly sensitive to noxious or stressful stimuli Control of blood pressure through NE synapses in the medulla
Dopaminergic system Dopamine Receptors:D1 and D2 family Motor control HO NH2 Dopamine Receptors:D1 and D2 family Motor control Motivation/reward Nigrostriatal pathway contains 70% of all brain dopamine and is involved in motor control. It degenerates in Parkinson’s disease Mesocortical/mesolimbic involved in motivation (exploratory activity in the rat and reward) Minor projection to pituitary control hormone release Prolactin release
Serotonergic (5HT) system H — N HO NH2 Serotonergic (5HT) system Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) Receptors: many subtypes 5HT1, 5HT2, 5HT3 mood, sleep, feeding behaviour and sensory perception Happy nT? Ecstasy? Many subtypes of receptor, most of them G-protein linked apart from the 5-HT3 receptor Nuclei confined almost exclusively to the midline or raphe of brain stem. Virtually every neurone in the brain may be contacted by a serotonergic fibre. Plays a role in mood, sleep, feeding behaviour and sensory perception CLICK (hallucinations and analgesia) Analgesia
Neuropeptides Synthesised as large precursor polypeptides Packaged in large dense core vesicles Substance P and opioid peptides found in spinal cord and higher brain centres Play a role in perception of pain Small proteins that can act as neurotransmitters Extensive posttranslational processing and cleavage Biogenic amines and animo acids are stored in small synaptic vesicles First peptide neurotransmitter was Substance P which is a tachykinin
Synaptic transmission (chemical) Nerve terminal Metabolites Enzyme nT e.g. decarboxylase Precursor nT Transporter nT Common mechanisms: Formation: in this case (small molecule) in the nerve terminal. Peptides are usually made in the cell body and transported down the axon to the release site. Storage: inside vesicles, small synaptic or dense core Release: an action potential invades the terminal and causes a rise in intracellular calcium. The vesicles fuse with the terminal membrane to allow the neurotransmitter into the synaptic space. Action: dependent on the receptor present. Ligand gated ion channel or G protein linked Inactivation: Usually uptake into glia or neurone where it is restored or metabolised. Occasionally there is metabolism in the synaptic cleft. nT Postsynaptic receptor Presynaptic receptor
Targets for drug action Ion channels Receptors Enzymes Transport proteins Drugs normally interact with protein molecules in or on neurones in order to alter synaptic transmission. Refer back to the blue labelled targets on the previous slide. Receptor types include Ionotropic (ligand gated ion channel) Metabotropic (G protein linked) Kinase-linked receptors Nuclear receptors Only 1 and 2 tend to be targetted in the CNS Some exceptions in the periphery e.g. therapeutic antibodies or chemotherapeutic drugs (target the DNA)
Blood brain barrier Brain receives 25-30% of cardiac output but capillaries have no fenestration (holes) Many substances do not penetrate the brain as easily as other organs or tissues. In the periphery capillaries have holes called fenestrations to allow substances through. The brain doesn’t as there are tight junctions between cells. Drugs have to get from aqueous plasma into cell membranes (phospholipid bilayers). The blood brain barier (BBB) is a control system to preserve homeostasis in the nervous system, facilitating the entry of necessary metabolites, but blocking the entry or facilitating the removal of unnecessary metabolites or toxic substances.
Entry of drugs into brain In general, lipid soluble drugs get in, water soluble drugs kept out Brain penetration predicted by oil/water partition coefficient (relative solubility in organic solvent compared to water) Specific transporters or carrier molecules present In some areas of the brain it is more “leaky” area postrema of medulla chemoreceptor trigger zone in hypothalamus Lipid soluble drugs can pass through the phospholipid bilayers more easily. High olive oil/water coefficient means that a substances will pass through more easily. Some anticancer or antibiotic drugs cannot normally get in. Some essential molecules cannot get in e.g. glucose (highly water soluble). These have to be taken in by active transport or carrier molecules (requires energy). Some drugs can hi-jack these to get into the brain. In certain areas the BBB is more “leaky” Area postrema of medulla Hypothalamic areas This allows the brain to sample the general homeostatic milieu. Some drugs cause nausea by stimulating the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the hypothalamus. Domperidone (DA antagonist) helps prevent this.
Classification of drugs By structure e.g. benzodiazepine By pharmacological action e.g. monoamine oxidase inhibitor By clinical action e.g. antipsychotic Drug group names is a confusing minefield and can depend on: What they look like What they do pharmacologically What they do behaviourally
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