[1] Intro The following instructions will show you how to create an Excel worksheet that allows students to take multiple choice tests (practice or real) that are randomly generated. No visual basic code is used so when you receive the graded worksheet back you don’t have to worry about viruses.
[2] Formatting the test Change the size of columns B through E to size R 1 6 (5) Type 19
[3] Change the width of column A to (3) Type 3 R
[4] Type this into Microsoft Excel. (1) Type in text and numbers
[5] Set calculation iteration We are going to set the calculation iteration to 1. We are doing this so we can add cells that reference themselves (circular reference). This will enable us to randomly shuffle questions and then freeze on the question we are presenting. 2 1
[6] Set Iteration to (3) Type 1
[7] Random equation Type this formula into Microsoft Excel. This formula will not change its value if the shuffle cell ($B$1) is false, but when true will randomly pick the number of one of the questions you have provided. (1) Enter Formula
[8] The formula =IF($B$1=TRUE,INT(RAND()*COUNT(C2:Z2)+1),B2) looks daunting but its not so bad when you break it down into the functions it contains. First the formula counts to see how many questions there is to choose from and then adds one “COUNT(C2:Z2)+1”. This value is multiplied by the random function “RAND()” which provides a random number between 0 and 1. The result of the multiplication is reduced to an integer value using “Int( )” thus selecting one of the questions you have provided. To prevent the question from changing every time you change the worksheet we must find a way to freeze the result. We do this by changing calculation iteration to one (which we have already done) and then placing the question we are choosing In an IF statement “=IF(condition, true, false )”. The IF statement will change the result only if the value we set in cell B1 is true “$B$1=TRUE” otherwise it will use the result already contained in this cell “B2”.
[9] Horizontal lookup Type this formula to do a horizontal lookup for a value “B2” in the top row of a table “C2:Z8” and when it finds a value that matches returns the value from the row you specify “2”. This places the selected question in cell B3. (1) Enter Formula
[10] Type this formula to select the correct answer. (1) Enter Formula
[11] Type this formula to select the first choice. (1) Enter Formula
[12] Type this formula to select the second choice. (1) Enter Formula
[13] Type this formula to select the third choice. (1) Enter Formula
[14] Type this formula to select the fourth choice. (1) Enter Formula
[15] Rename sheet R
[16] Give sheet1 the name Questions. (1) Type Name
[17] Autoformatt ing Prepare to format the questions
[18] Use autoformating Accounting
[19] Switch to Sheet2. 1
[20] Test sheet Rename sheet
[21] Change the name of Sheet2 to Test. (1) Type Name
[22] Enter formula will display the name of the test stored in cell D1 on sheet Questions. (1) Enter Formula
[23] Type this into Microsoft Excel. (1) Type text
[24] Display the Control Toolbox
[25] Add a text box
[26] Results sheet Rename Sheet R
[27] Change the name of Sheet3 to Results. (1) Type Name
[28] Type the formula that puts the name of the test on the Results worksheet and then switch to Text sheet. 2 (1) Type formula
[29] Linked VBA text box Bring up the properties of the text box
[30] Define where the contents entered in this text box will be placed. (1) Enter cell address 2
[31] Check box Create a check box
[32] Link the check box so it determines (TRUE or FALSE) if you want the questions to be shuffled. 3 (2) Type linked cell (1) Type caption
[33] Type a formula that displays the first question. 1 (2) Type formula
[34] List box Create a drop down box the user will select there answer from
[35] Change the properties of the dropdown box to list possible choices “List Fill Range” and where their choice will be stored “Linked Cell”. 4 1 (3) Type List Fill Range (2) Type Linked Cell
[36] Test the check box and Drop down list
[37] Switch to the Results sheet. 1
[38] Results sheet Type this formula to display the first question. (1) Type formula
[39] Type this formula to display the correct answer to the question. (1) Type formula
[40] Type this into Microsoft Excel. (1) Type text
[41] Type this formula to grade the first question. (1) Type formula
[42] Type Result text. (1) Type text
[43] Type this formula to total the results for the entire test. (1) Type formula
[44] Test results Change the format of the results cell. 2 1 R
[45] Format the results cell to Percentage with no places after the decimal
[46] Select column A to format all its cells. 2 1 R
[47] Change column A to right justified
[48] Switch to the text sheet. 1
[49] Add question numbers and switch to the Questions sheet. (1) Type text 2
[50] Creating question 2 Copy the text, formulas and formatting of question one to create question two (4) Press Control + V
[51] Attach the Control Toolbox to the side of the Excel window. 1
[52] Type this text into Microsoft Excel. (1) Type text
[53] Naming cells Define a name for the cell that contains question
[54] Call the cell Question2. (1) Type cell name 2
[55] Define a name for the cell that contains answer
[56] Call the cell Answer2. (1) Type cell name 2
[57] Define a name for the range of cells that contains the choices for question
[58] Name the range of cells Choices2. (1) Type cell name 2
[59] Switch to the Results sheet. 1
[60] Define a name for the cell that will contain the students result for question
[61] Call the cell Result2. (1) Type cell name 2
[62] Using named cells in a formula Add question 2 to the Results worksheet. (1) Type formula
[63] Add Answer 2 to the Results worksheet. (1) Type formula
[64] Copy the formula that marks the question. 3 1 (3) Press Control+V (2) Press Control+C
[65] Add question numbers and switch to the Test sheet. (1) Type Text 2
[66] Creating question two Add question 2 to the Test sheet.. (1) Type formula
[67] Create a drop down box
[68] Change the properties of the dropdown box to list possible choices for question 2 “List Fill Range” and where the result for question 2 will be stored “Linked Cell”. (3) Menu Bar (2) Title bar 4 1
[69] Test the text box. 1 (2) Type text
[70] Select an answer for question
[71] Switch to the Results sheet. 1
[72] Adjust the width of column B. 1
[73] Taking the test Switch to the text sheet. 1
[74] Answer the first question. 2 1
[75] Answer the second question. 2 1
[76] Switch to the Results sheet. 1
[77] Hide the results sheet Hide the Results sheet. If you wanted students to check there score you could leave this sheet unhidden
[78] Hide the Questions sheet
[79] Protecting a sheet Format all the cells in the Test sheet
[80] Make sure all the cells in the Test sheet are Locked
[81] Protect the Test worksheet so it cannot be altered
[82] Add a password to prevent tampering. 2 (1) Type Comp1813 (3) Type Comp1813 4
[83] Protect the entire workbook so the Questions and Results sheets cannot be unhidden
[84] Add a password to prevent tampering. 2 (1) Type Comp1813 (3) Type Comp1813 4
[85] Sheet is protected. (1) Type H 2
[86] You cannot unhide other sheets. 2 1
[87] Unprotectin g a workbook Unprotect workbook (4) Type comp1813 5
[88] Unprotect the Test sheet (4) Type comp1813 5
[89] Unhide the questions sheet
[90] Unhide the results sheet
[91] Removing Gridlines Switch to Test sheet. 1
[92] Change the options of the Test sheet. 2 1
[93] Turn Gridlines off for the Test sheet
[94] Test sheet no longer has those annoying gridlines.