Advantages of Teaming Varied expertise. More ideas. More time and effort. Minimized mistakes. Pleasant and rewarding. More confidence in results.
Disadvantages of Teaming Interpersonal problems One person dominating the project. Some members feel left out. Improper resolution of conflicts. Lack of professional conduct. Lack of motivation.
Disadvantages of teaming Coordination and planning Lack of planning. Poorly defined tasks. Poorly structured meetings. Lack of leadership and continuity. Working together on same tasks.
Task Assignment Checklist Specify main purpose Stress the results needed (be specific) Identify the process and scope Assign “ Help ” members Provide all the information needed to carry out the assignment
Checklist for a productive team
Ground rules Examples Listen carefully to another team member. Ask for clarification. It is OK to disagree. Facilitate consensus by offering alternatives. Criticize ideas not people. Arrive on time for meetings. Complete assigned tasks.
Effective Teams The four stages of team development Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing.
Common Problems One team member is not contributing Causes may be: Tasks not clearly defined Language barriers Resentful member Remedy Define tasks more clearly Open discussion on issues Assign “Helper Member” (jump start things)
Common Problems One team member is dominating the others Causes: Experienced person frustrated. Deferral of control by less experienced members. Remedy: Nothing - if the team is happy. Help others contribute and be more patient. Team members cannot agree on major decisions. Team members can not work together.
Team Roles Team Sponsor Team leader and facilitator Team recorder Team time keeper Team member Team Project Planner
Conflict Resolution Helpful Guidelines Make a pledge to abide by the team’s decisions when idea conflicts arise. Support the team decisions 100% Spend effort on major decisions only. Yield on small disagreements - Avoid conflicts not worth the effort.
Resolving conflicts Helpful Guidelines Don ’ t hold back when you disagree. State your own ideas without excessive emotion. Communicate well, avoid misunderstanding When interrupted ask people to allow you finish.
Conflict Resolution Once you have been heard, avoid showing inflexibility, let the idea stand on its own merit. Don ’ t get personally attached to an idea. Don ’ t take it personally if the team takes a different approach. Support the team decision 100% and move on. Don’t criticize without offering help.
Conflict Resolution Strategies Avoidance Giving in Compromise Co-operative Compromise Arbitration
Conflict Resolution Strategies Avoidance: Ignore the Conflict Why Issue is not very important The issue will resolve itself in the future Decision has to be made. There is no time left to fight
Conflict Resolution Strategies Giving in Let the other guy win … for now Show you are against it Why The issue may resolve itself in the future You are not prepared to fight for it now
Conflict Resolution Strategies Compromise: Try to meet the other party half-way Works on some issues but not all Co-operative Compromise: Understand what everyone wants and trying to find a new solution to meet all needs Arbitration “Team”, Boss, Expert, Trusted source
Design Team Membership Who designs and develops products Marketing Identifies product opportunities Identifies customer needs Sets target prices, warranties, etc Plans product promotion and sales Designers Manufacturing
Design Team Membership Service and Maintenance Management Depending on Product Chemist, physicists, theoretical experts Procurement Legal (regulation and code experts)