TEAMWORK Training the Programme Developers
Teamwork: why do we need it? Responsibility, potential and delegation Your optimal potential Resposibility (all you have to do)
Teamwork: why do we need it? Productivity of an individual Productivity of team Total productivity of team strengths weaknesses Person A strenghts Person A weaknesses Person A strenghts Person B strenghts Person A weaknesses Person B weaknesses Person A strenghts Person B strenghts Person C strenghts FinancesProgramCommunication Strengths, Weaknesses, Team and Productivity
Team versus Group
Members recognise their interdependence and understand both personal and team goals are best accomplished with mutual support. Time is not wasted struggling over territory or seeking personal gain at the expense of others. Members feel a sense of ownership for their jobs and unit because they are committed to the goals they helped to establish. Members think they are grouped together for administrative purposes only. Individuals work independently, sometimes at cross purposes with others. Members tend to focus on themselves because they are not sufficiently involved in planning the unit’s objectives. They approach their job simply as hired hands.
Team versus Group Goals Team Goal Group Goal
Team versus Group Members contribute to the organisation’s success by applying their unique talent and knowledge to team objectives. Members work in a climate of trust and are encouraged to express openly ideas, opinions, disagreements and feelings. Questions are welcomed. Members are told what to do rather than being asked what the best approach would be. Suggestions are not encouraged. Members distrust the motives of colleagues because they do not understand the role of other members. Expressions of opinion or disagreement are considered divisive or non- supportive.
Team versus Group Members practise open and honest communication. They make an effort to understand each other’s point of view. Members are encouraged to develop skills and apply what they learn on the job. They receive the support of the team. Members are so cautious about what they say that the real understanding is not possible. Game playing and communication traps may occur. Members may receive a good training but are limited in applying it to the job by the supervisor or other group member.
Team versus Group Members recognise conflict is a normal aspect of human interaction but they view such situations as an opportunity for new ideas and creativity. They work to resolve conflict quickly and constructively. Members participate in decisions affecting the team but understand their leader must make a final ruling whenever the team cannot decide, or an emergency exists. Positive results, not conformity, are the goal. Members find themselves in conflict situations, which they do not know how to resolve. Their supervisor may put off intervention until serious damage is done. Members may or may not participate in decisions affecting the group. Conformity often appears more important than positive results.
Team Keystones Purpose Goals Procedures Forgiveness Relationships Roles and Tasks
Effective teamwork and how to build it 1.Understanding and commitment to group goals 2.Maximum use of member’s resources in the group 3.Flexibility, sensitivity to the needs of others and creativity 4.Shared leadership 5.Procedures to resolve differences
Effective teamwork and how to build it Procedures to resolve differences Try for unaminity Voting Compromise Consensus
Effective teamwork and how to build it 6.Examine the task, the maintenance function and be open to learn 7.Demonstrate teamwork attitudes 8.Trust and open communications 9.Create a strong feeling of belonging to the group
Team Phases Rise Experimenting Structuring Productivity Maturity
Team Phases Rise Experimenting Structuring Uncertainty; ambiguity; not clear objectives, tasks and roles; uncertainty; use of external authority and status Testing and experiencing; searching for team’s identity; disorder and confusion in discussion, planning and organising; still individually oriented members Seeking for formal structures; rigid measures; concern for organization and precision; task- orientation and work methods are priorities; official roles assigned
Team Phases Procedures, rules and formalities become flexible and subordinated the team’s aims; skills for successful dealing with problems and effective utilisation of resources developed Sense of belonging and co-responsibility; trust, openess and acceptance; cohesiveness and mutual co-operation; personal satisfaction; delegation, participative leadership Productivity Maturity
Team members needs TEAM MEMBER Need to represent non-team interests Need to use own strengths Need to be accepted by other team members Need of harmony between team goals and personal goals