Authored by Andrea White, PhD for the C3 Initiative
I. What is a Team? Two or more individuals who depend on each other and are geared toward the achievement of a goal or the completion of a task.
I. What is a Team? Teams make decisions, solve problems, provide support, accomplish missions, and plan their work.
II. We are Familiar with Teams We have all been part of a team at one time or another Being part of a good team is rewarding: It is motivating It is gratifying The result of teamwork is usually far greater than the sum of each individual’s work.
III. What are Characteristics of Effective Teams? There is a plan for achieving the goal Members are committed to the goal There is diversity among team members The team is open to new ideas There is recognition of team member accomplishments
IV. What are the Four Stages of Team Development? Effective teams go through four stages of team development Forming Storming Norming Performing
V. Forming Team members are introduced and begin getting to know each other Goals and tasks are established Generally polite behavior among members
VI. Storming Members may compete for team roles May argue about goals or how they should be accomplished May choose sides against other members
VII. Norming - VIII. Performing Trust and common interests are developing Roles and objectives are clarified and understood Members make contributions and are motivated by results Leadership is shared according to members’ knowledge and skills
IX. Members Contribute to the Team in a Variety of Ways: They may help achieve the team task by: Seeking information Providing information Clarifying information Summarizing ideas They may promote a positive attitude and good communication by: Encouraging members Resolving conflict Acknowledging feelings
X. Team Member Responsibilities Must do the work they committed to on time Must respect each other Must be open to feedback and improving team effectiveness
XI. Teamwork Requires A New Way of Thinking “Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships” Michael Jordan “None of us is as smart as all of us.” Ken Blanchard From: Teamwork and Teamplay