Get out a sheet of paper and letter it A through E
Can you label the pieces? A C D E B: splits hemispheres
White matter MRI imaging Impulses originating in the right hemisphere are often processed in the left, and vice versa.
The Cerebral Cortex Cerebrum divided into four lobes – named for the skull bones that cover them…
Functional areas Sensory areas for input for different kinds of sensory information Motor Areas: control voluntary motions Association areas – integrate input with information from other parts of the brain
Functional areas of the lobes Frontal lobe—conscious thought; problem solving, decision making, learning, speech, motor cortex. Frontal lobe Intellect, personality Damage can result in mood changes, social differences, etc. most uniquely human of all the brain structures.
Functional areas of the lobes Parietal lobe—integrating sensory information Parietal lobe manipulation of objects visuospatial processing Speech and reading, touch, language, taste, attention
Functional areas of the lobes Occipital lobe—sense of sight; lesions can produce hallucinations Occipital lobe
Functional areas of the lobes Temporal lobe—senses of smell and sound, as well as processing of complex stimuli like faces and scenes. Temporal lobe Memory!
Motor cortex – send commands to skeletal muscles, respond to sensory stimuli Somatosensory cortex – receives and partially integrates signals from touch, pain, pressure, and temperature receptors throughout the body.
Homunculus = little man Proportion devoted to a particular part of the body is correlated to the relative importance of information for that part of the body.
Phantom limb syndrome
Premotor cortex Skilled/planned movement Use of abstract rules to perform tasks Spatial guidance of movement ?
Somatosensory association area Integrates sensations with meaning Taps into memories Olfaction is closely linked to emotions
Broca’s Area Special motor speech area Directs muscles of the tongue, throat and lips Speech production
Wernicke’s Area Sounding out words Associated with written and spoken language Damage to this area = can read, but does not attach meaning to words
Memory: hippocampus
Memory: amygdala
Limbic System Emotions Memory Motivation