Title I Parent Meeting at Back-to-School Night Tri-Community Elementary School September 2, 2015
Working Together School Parents Student Teachers For the Benefit of Our Children
Parent Information School Curriculum Academic Assessments used to measure Student Progress Proficiency Levels (Tiers) Support for students based on data
What is Title I? Purpose: –To help low achieving students achieve high academic standards in reading. Ours is a School-Wide Program: –A comprehensive reform strategy designed to upgrade the entire educational program of a Title I School; –Its primary goal is to ensure that all students, particularly those that are low achieving, demonstrate proficient and advanced levels of achievement on state reading standards.
Identification of Students School-Wide Programs are not required to specifically identify eligible Title I students for targeted Title I services. All students are eligible to participate in all aspects of the School-Wide Program.
DEVELOPING OUR SCHOOL/PARENT COMPACT Compacts are required to address three areas for families and the school to work together: –Student learning and high achievement; –Effective and frequent communication between school and home; and –Building capacity for the family/school partnership through volunteering and training.
DEVELOPING OUR PARENT INVOLVEMENT POLICY Parent Involvement Policies are required to do the following: –Improve the relationship between school and home; –Build on strengths of parenting skills; –Plan and conduct workable methods of two way communication focused on child’s learning; –Provide ways for families and school staff to develop learning goals; and –Include parents in school decisions to develop leaders and represent all families in the school.
Our Compact Title I School/Parent Compact The goal of the Title I program is to help every child get a high-quality education. The school’s administration, staff, parents, and students each have responsibilities they must meet in order to accomplish this. As a student, I promise to…. As a parent, I promise to…. As a school, we promise to….
Our Parent Involvement Policy Parental Involvement Policy The administration, staff and parents at Tri-Community Elementary School believe that the improved academic achievement of each student is a responsibility shared by the entire community, including the school district, school, community members, school administration, staff, students and parents (including guardians and all members of a student’s family involved in his/her education). We are committed to meeting the needs of all our students. To accomplish this, we must all work together. Parent involvement in the school will include opportunities for: Parents to volunteer and be involved in school activities Effective communication between the school and parents Parents to participate in school decision-making Staff development and parent education Parents to provide home support for their student’s education
DEVELOPING OUR SCHOOL-WIDE PLAN School-wide plans are required to address the following: –Needs Assessment –Strategies to increase the amount and quality of learning time –Instruction by “Highly Qualified” Teachers –High quality and on-going Professional Development –Parental Involvement –Transition from Pre-School –Regular assessment of all student progress –Coordination and Integration of Federal, State & Local Funds, Programs & Services
Our School-Wide Plan Located on our website Tri-Community Elementary
CREATING A TEAM Parents (required) Teachers (required) Optional: –Students –Administrators –Community Members Libraries Businesses Faith Based Organizations –Community Organizations Who Should Be Included?
EVALUATING THE RESULTS Schools are required to review all three each year, with parental involvement, to determine if they are effective and to make changes, if needed. This evaluation will occur in the Spring. How do you know whether or not your compact, policy and plan are working?
Parent Resource Center Please make use of our Parent Resource Center located in the main office. Materials you can find there: –We are looking to increase our Resource center. –Reading resources (grade level books as needed) –7 Keys to Comprehension (book) How to help your child Read and Get It.