Current trends and problems in Tbilisi public transport system
Research methodology 800 people were interviewed within the framework of field research; Questionnaire was standardized (respondents had to choose between predetermined several possible answers) Selection of respondents were made randomly according to predetermined quotas for sex, age and employment; Interviews were held face to face at the house of respondents.
I. Demographic data
About 50% of respondents (398 out of 800) is employed
Only about 45% of respondents assess changes in transport system as positive II. Issues regarding public Transport
About 66% is satisfied with new bus routs in Tbilisi
Eliminating “rout taxis” is regarded negative by majority (53%) of inquired.
About 43% regards eliminating trolleybuses in the city center positive, while 41% is against the change
About 62% of respondents in dissatisfied with the triangle type traffic movement in the city center
Recent changes in transport system affected about 52% of inquired
What are the most influential factors affecting your choice between different modes of transport Frequency% Price Crowdedness Comfort Safety Environmentally friendly Trustworthy (must be sure it comes) Flexibility Waiting time Speed (must drive fast) Straightness of rout (must drive between points as little as possible) Transfer (no or little need of transfer) Other20.14
Assessment of different modes of transport according to price IIIIII I. Low/little Frequency% % % II. Normal/ Acceptable Metro III. High/big Bus "Rout taxi" Trolleybus Tram Taxi Private car Walking Out of all kinds of public transport, metro, bus and “rout taxi” are mostly used today. Prices for metro and bus are perceived normal by 57% of population, while 23% think that prices for “rout taxi” are high.
Assessment of different modes of transport according to the level of crowdedness IIIIII I. Low/little Frequency% % % II. Normal/ Acceptable Metro III. High/big Bus "Rout taxi" Trolleybus Tram Taxi Private car Walking
Assessment of different modes of transport according to the level of comfort IIIIII I. Low/little Frequency% % % II. Normal/ Acceptable Metro III. High/big Bus "Rout taxi" Trolleybus Tram Taxi Private car Walking
Assessment of different modes of transport according to the level of safety IIIIII I. Low/little Frequency% % % II. Normal/ Acceptable Metro III. High/big Bus "Rout taxi" Trolleybus Tram Taxi Private car Walking
Assessment of different modes of transport according to the waiting time IIIIII I. Low/little Frequency% % % II. Normal/ Acceptable Metro III. High/big Bus "Rout taxi" Trolleybus Tram Taxi Private car Walking
Everyday usage of metro in 2006 decreased 1.3 by times compared to 2004
Everyday bus usage in 2006 increased by 2.5 times compared to 2004
Everyday “rout taxi” usage in 2006 decreased by 1.3 times compared to 2004
Frequency of everyday usage of different modes of transport in 2006 compared to everyday usage of these modes in Change In numbers% %Increased %Decreased% Metro Bus "Rout taxi" Trolleybus Tram Taxi Private car Work car Walking
Reasons of avoiding metro Frequency% I do not avoid metro It is crowded It is not clean It is not safe of thieves I do not like to go under the ground There are unpleasant people It needs more time compared to other transportation means It is not close to my house It is not close to my point of destination I need to transfer between two lines of metro I need to transfer to other transport modes, which is not comfortable I drive a car, no need of metro Other100.98
Reasons of avoiding bus Number% I do not avoid bus It is crowded It is not clean It is not safe of thieves Usually, need to wait much time There are unpleasant people It needs more time compared to other transportation means It is not close to my house It is not close to my point of destination I am not sure if it comes to the bus stop I need to transfer to other transport modes, which is not comfortable I drive a car, no need of bus Other70.64
Peak Hours Morning peak hour starts at 9:00 and lasts till 10:00; Evening peak hour starts at 6:00 and lasts till 7:00.