Transforming lives through learningDocument title The Broad General Education in the Primary Sector Lorna Harvey, Education Officer Education Scotland Anne Docherty, Headteacher St Eunan’s Primary School, West Dunbartonshire Elspeth Gow, Headteacher Tulliallan Primary School, Fife
Transforming lives through learningDocument title Today National overview of the primary sector The CfE stories of St Eunan’s and Tulliallan o Curriculum o Progression o Tracking and monitoring o ROA o Self-evaluation Questions
Transforming lives through learningDocument title inspection findings Sept-Dec 2014 unsatis. weak satis.good vg exc primary school inspections
Transforming lives through learningDocument title The most common key strengths have been: the confidence, enthusiasm, motivation, positive attitude and friendliness of children; partnership working with other agencies, the community, and with parents to enhance children’s learning and achievements; the leadership of headteachers; the supportive ethos and pastoral care; the teamwork of staff to create positive approaches to learning and teaching; and attainment in English language and literacy, and mathematics and numeracy.
Transforming lives through learningDocument title The most common aspects for improvement have been: developing and improving the curriculum to ensure progression in children’s learning; self-evaluation to ensure continuous improvement; better monitoring and tracking of children’s attainment; more consistently high-quality learning and teaching; and raising attainment.
Transforming lives through learningDocument title Evaluating and Improving our Curriculum Primary Sections Self-evaluation Curriculum rationale Personalisation and choice Monitoring and tracking Progression IDL Format Definition Key features of effective practice Questions Case studies
Transforming lives through learningDocument title Quarterly Primary e-bulletin sign-up page or link at bottom of the Education Scotland homepage zero capital i
Transforming lives through learningDocument title
Transforming lives through learningDocument title Alison Drever, Senior Education Officer Primary