ABOUT THE COMPNY SHOP LIFE is marketing and Advertising Agency PKD (POLICE KE DWARA) net news channel and their various publications in the form of Magzines like Police Ke Dwara, Business Today, University Reporter News of India and News Papers like Rashtriya Nivida Today, Prajantra Reporter etc. SHOP LIFE is managed by dynamic & high-end professionals having vast and result oriented experiences in handling people, their psychology, finance, management skills in marketing and promotion of all kind of goods and services. We use latest technologies presently availably in conducting business.
AAAA-PRESENT INCOME B B B B-REQUIREDINCOME From the above diagram it is evident that at present the income required in a family to maintain a general standard of living is much less, as the gap between A&B never reduces, it only expands. To fill this gap SHOP LIFE is a definite opportunity.
BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OUR ACTIVITES SHALL BE AS UNDE 1. Enrolling honorary advertising agents. 2. Training them for basics Knowledge of press procuring advertisements how to increase circulation of Blue, Red publication and other PKD products. How to take advantage of SHOP LIFE stores etc. 3. Imparting training in leadership qualities and Personality Development. 4. SHOP LIFE will give discount vouchers worth Rs 3500/-(Dise up to 25%) on joining. Continue
SnoNetworkIncentives 1 Joining amount Rs3500/-(incl Rs100/- Registrationcharges). 2 Ten(10) Direct Joinings. Rs 2000/-Per month for 3 months as field bonus. Direct income (per Joining) =Rs700 3 One hundred (100) in net work ESI CARD plus RS 2000/- per month as field bonus for 3 months.+Rs.100/per joining from your downlines in each level up to three levels. Rs 50/- in 5 th Level and Rs 25/- in 6 th Level. 4 One thousand in network. (1000) 5000/- field bonus per month for 1year only. 5 Ten thousand in network.(10,000) 15000/- field bonus per month for 1year only. 6 One lakh in network (100,000) Rs 25,000/- to Rs 50,000 as Salary for 20 years (AS A DIRECT OF ON BOARD)
LevelsMembers Percentage Distribution For Example 1105% (A)-Suppose you are in 3 rd level with Rs 1000/- Hony. Advt. Representatives and each representative brings advt. of Rs 5000/-per month, your income shall be RS 75000/-per month on 3% commission basis only. (B)-Now you are in level 6 with Rs 10 lacs advt Representatives with Rs 5000/- worth advt from each in a month, your income shall be Rs 25 lacs per month with 1% commission % % 410,0002% 5100,0002% 61,000,0001% 710,000,0001% 8100,000,0001% 91000, % 1010,000,000,0001% ADVERTISMENT BOOKINGINCOME Continue
Note: 1.On Direct (SELF) Booking 20% 1.On Direct (SELF) Booking 20% 2. Level Distribution 20% 2. Level Distribution 20% Note: Note: 1. All qualification to be achieved in 10 level’s only. 1. All qualification to be achieved in 10 level’s only. 2. Full details of PKD awards can be obtained from their website. 2. Full details of PKD awards can be obtained from their website. 3. Special awards from SHOP LIFE shall be posted on its website from time to time. 3. Special awards from SHOP LIFE shall be posted on its website from time to time. 4. All taxes as applicable. 4. All taxes as applicable % Service charges shall be levied % Service charges shall be levied. 6. All the disputes shall be in Delhi Jurisdiction only. 6. All the disputes shall be in Delhi Jurisdiction only. 7. TDS as applicable shall be deducted. 7. TDS as applicable shall be deducted. 8. company reservas the right to change its marketing plan whenever it dreams fit. The same shell be posted on its website. 8. company reservas the right to change its marketing plan whenever it dreams fit. The same shell be posted on its website. SHOP LIFE Plan to open stores for the benefit of our representatives so that they can buy products at reasonable prices. SHOP LIFE Plan to open stores for the benefit of our representatives so that they can buy products at reasonable prices.