PASS at Manchester Louise Walker School of Mathematics University of Manchester
Manchester and PASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions) 1973 – Supplemental Instruction (SI) developed at University of Missouri, Kansas City 1981 – Awarded Exemplary Educational Program by United States Dept. of Education SI continues to develop within the U.S. and internationally with National Centres for in Australia, Mexico, South Africa and Sweden – SI adapted for UK Higher Education (renamed PASS) PASS introduced in the University of Manchesters Mathematics department 2009 – Currently in the final stages of working with International Centre for SI for PASS at The University of Manchesters programme to become UK National Centre
What is PASS? Support the student learning experience by encouraging collaborative, exploratory discussion in a safe environment Improve academic performance and achievement and increase retention Provide an additional mechanism for communication and feedback between teaching staff and students Encourage a student centred approach to learning through greater peer interaction Enhance the learning experience and Personal Development of PASS leaders
The PASS Approach Trained student leaders facilitate study sessions in pairs PASS is voluntary Content is based on course materials PASS leaders are engaged in: –sharing their experience –facilitating discussion rather than re-teaching the subject Students compare notes, clarify what they read and hear, analyse, criticise, question and seek verification of ideas
Main Features of PASS (Produced as a leaflet for 1 st year students) PASS is about exploratory discussion, not being told the answers PASS is about active learning by discussing and thinking The PASS leader is here to facilitate, to help you learn, find the answers by discussion and the use of lecture notes PASS is a safe place to admit to not understanding The PASS leader is NOT here to teach or tell you the answers PASS is not a replacement for lectures and tutorials – it is there to back them up PASS is informal, friendly and fun
How it works in Maths 60 2 nd and 3 rd year PASS leaders 25 PASS each week sessions linked to tutorials 3 student co-ordinators Regular de-briefs
What the students say… First years – PASS is great I don't know where I'd be without PASS it's the only place you learn things! You know you've understood something fully when you can explain it to someone else..... and they actually get it! Being a PASS leader gives you the ideal opportunity to do this. As for the benefits for first years, having multiple people each bring an individual approach to the same subject/way of studying, from the leaders and from other first years in the PASS group, can really make a difference. – Dave, PASS leader Being a pass leader has never once felt boring or like a chore. Helping people understand the maths can give you a great confidence boost, and you get useful revision of 1st year material at the same time. – Robin, PASS leader
Structure – how is it set up? Faculty Internships Student CoordinatorsStudentsStaff Coordinator Teaching and Learning Adviser Teaching and Learning Manager PASS Leaders Trained SI Supervisors Quality Assurance, Training, Specialist Advice, Consultancy
But… …its not for all …its not a quick fix …its not a one size fits all …it is challenging to implement However…it is worth it!