Joseph W. Rodgers Library Media Center WELCOMES YOU!
STAFF Mrs. Wall -- Librarian Mrs. Mansh -- Librarian Mrs. Costello -- Secretary Mrs. Wagner -- Library Aide
GENERAL INFORMATION Monday - Thursday 7:25 am - 3:30 pm Friday 7:25 am - 3:00 pm Telephone: Student ID and sign-in is required to enter the library after 2:39 pm
RESOURCES Collection of 25,000+ materials Subscriptions to daily newspapers Online catalog, Internet, databases w/remote access (passwords available at the circulation desk) Digital cameras, projectors and scanners Interlibrary loan through ACCESS PA Copy machine; $.10 per copy
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Magazines (current and back issues) Videos Audio Books Picture Books Microfilm/Microfiche
ARCADIA UNIVERSITY LANDMAN LIBRARY This is a privilege! Admission Students in grades will be admitted to the library with their Cheltenham High School lD card. Borrowing Privileges Prior to borrowing materials, students must obtain a letter from one of the high school librarians Online Catalog available at
Students must have their ID card to check out materials Books from the general collection may be checked out for three weeks Reference materials may be checked out for two days Magazines, videos, and pamphlets may be checked out for one week Renewals permitted on all materials CIRCULATION
FINES Students are responsible for the prompt return of library materials A fine of $.10 per day will be charged for a book overdue from the general materials collection A fine of $.50 per day will be charged for a book overdue from the reference collection A fine of $.50 per day will be charged for a videotape overdue Maximum fine $10.00
REPLACEMENT/ DAMAGED MATERIALS Students are solely responsible for what is checked out on their ID card. It is recommended that you do not allow other students to use your card to check out materials. Report any damage before checking out a book. Cost to repair damage to a computer or the network, as a result of tampering, will be the responsibility of the student.
STUDY HALL PASSES Students must follow the procedure set forth by the 9"' grade attendance office when entering the library during their 9"' grade study hall. A pass must be obtained from a subject teacher and presented to the study hall teacher. When entering the library, students must time-stamp their pass, leave it at the desk, and sign the log. When leaving, students must time-stamp their pass again.
LUNCH PASSES Students may use the library during periods 4, 5, and 6 only if they have a library lunch pass. Students may pick up a daily pass from 7:15 am until the start of their lunch period (if there are passes still available.) Only one pass per student will be issued.
COMPUTER/INTERNET RESPONSIBILITIES Students must read and sign the CHS Library Internet User Agreement in order to access the Internet Student access and use of the Internet is limited to academic, educational enrichment, and school-related projects only
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES In order for the library to be a safe and welcoming place for all, students should: RESPECT and TOLERATE others Support the library’s mission for academic learning Behave properly; improper behavior will result in being sent to the appropriate administrator for disciplinary action
ASK QUESTIONS – There is no such thing as a stupid question!