yuuuuu By: Heroes The
A Hero for me! (Chris) I think a hero is a person who wants to make a difference, Also someone who is really nice to other people. A hero is someone who wants to do things like this – Help people do things. Also helping people with things that are dangerous. A hero is a person who saves the lives of people and helps with problems. A hero does not need any muscles and all of that, but just a person who can get things done.
A Hero for me! (Athena), I think that a hero is someone who survived something very serious, like disease. It can also be a person who is something special. For example Terry Fox and the marathon for cancer, and diseases. So I think that everybody is a hero if you have a the cancer Ribbon. So I think a hero is a person who just made a good choice for what they’ve done. Because heroes do not need to be invisible. It can be me and you.
A Hero for me! (Allie) I think a hero is one who does things to help other people with their problems. A hero to me is a person who places others in front of their selves. A hero doesn’t have to be all muscle. His right and what one with a very big heart.
Draw a hero that signifies you!
Adams Hero My hero is my mother. My mother is my hero because she works two jobs. She does not have a lot of my money but does what she can for me and my sister. My mother is 48 years old and has black hair. My mother works at Rothesay Elementary with a little boy named David. David has Down's syndrome. Before David, my mother worked with Devon. My mother always enjoys working in elementary schools. She works really hard for me and my sister. My mother's name is Shirley she also works in the Rothesay Elementary (after school program) My sister also works with my mother. My mother loves chicken. My mother does not eat things like tomatoes because they make her sick. My mother loves going to go BINGO every Sunday, Thursday and Tuesday. On Thursday it’s at (fairvale outing association), Sunday it go (Coop) and Tuesday it plays at home because it is on television. My mother is the best mother of all and she is my HÉRO.
What type of hero are you! What are you doing in this situation? If there is a fire in your house, a school or a store and you can hear someone. - You help the person. - You get help. - You leave the person. In your school there is a Fund- raising for cancer. The school only needs $ 100 more to help with cancer. A) You give $ 100. B) You give $ 50 C) You give nothing. You see two people who are doing drugs and they ask you to take one. - You say tell them to stop. - you get an adult. - You take one. In a store you see a person who is stealing. - You find someone who works in the store. - You tell them that this is not good. - You steal a few with him. If your friend were to be in a fight A) Will you tell them to stop fighting. B) You find a teacher. C) You join the fight.
Terry Fox was born on July 28, 1958 in Winnipeg (province of Manitoba, Canada). Its life rocked however in 1977 when, after having felt a pain with the right knee, the doctors diagnosed a cancer of the bones to him. At the time, the only manner of treating the disease was the amputation. When it was in hospital it says that he does not want the other people like this and he says that he goes does something. After having involved itself for 18 months, during which it had traversed more than 5000 kilometers, it started on April 12, 1980 its "Marathon of the Hope". Its goal: to cross Canada of is in west, while running the equivalent of a marathon each day (a little more than 42 kilometers). Terry Fox hoped to be able to collect, with the profit of research against cancer, a dollar by Canadian citizen. September 1, 1980, near Thunder Bay (province of Ontario). It had then traversed 5373 kilometers in 143 days. Cancer had migrated in its lungs. Terry Fox fought of sound better against the disease, but lost this last battle and disappeared on June 28, 1981, one month before its twenty-third birthday.
Draw Terry Fox Below
Which héro would you be in this situation? If there was a large fire and if you not stops fire in 2 minutes the people goes dead. Batman Frozone Spiderman If there were a person who was has the top of a really large building and wants To commit suicide. Mrs fanatastic The Thing The Human Torch There is a girl who was to put at the bottom of a lake if she is there for more than 2 minutes she dies. Abraham Sapien Mr. Fantastic The Sandman At a zoo there are animals which are not in their cages. You need to get the animals in their cages. Rynoman Dr. Doom Kingpin