Presentation Briefing Structure and Agency
GROUP PRESENTATION: You are expected to make a group presentation of a critical analysis of a film or literary text. You must relate the narrative of the text of film to the theoretical issues dealt with on this course. The presentation format is to be decided by yourselves, and must last no longer than 15 minutes, with 5 mins for questions. The group is assessed collectively, which means that each member is given the same mark for your oral presentation and any audio-visual or handout material that you submit.
The theme of your presentation The theme of your presentation is: How does [TITLE OF CHOSEN BOOK OR FILM] relate to the structure-agency debate? How convincing is the narrative as a way of understanding the relationship between the individual and society?.
General Things to consider In this course, we are concerned with the structure/agency debate. After reading the book or viewing the film, you should ask yourselves questions such as: What are the underlying, or overarching, messages of the narrative? What is the author/director trying to tell us about the nature of society and the place of individuals within it? How convincing is their position? Are there limits or problems with their position?
Planning your Presentation.1 Allocate tasks to group members on the basis of skills and/or experience. Write a synopsis of the film/ book. Brainstorm how you can integrate theory covered in course to analyse film/book. Remember to use methods literature as well.
Planning your Presentation 2 Each member of the group should read the book/view the film (you can arrange to see it together) Each member of the group should prepare a synopsis of the plot and the main themes of the narrative (both explicit and underlying themes). You should then meet to compare your notes, and discuss how the content and themes of the texts (book/file) relate to the theoretical debates about structure and agency. When you have reached a general agreement, the group should allocate each individual the tasks of researching information about the text (book/film), and finding some critical analyses or positions about it. Some of the information you might find useful includes the context in which the text was produced, or factors influencing its production, authorial intent, critical and scholarly analysis of the text, etc. As a group, discuss the different positions which emerged from your findings, and decide how your narrative represents the place of the individual in social relations and structures. You must now try to determine which of the social theories we consider on the course most closely related to the approach of the text you are analysing.
Using Theory 1 Use theory to present arguments and counter arguments. What does the theory tell us? Eg: think about relationships; dynamics; action and interaction; meaning and signification; power; social change; structure; agency; free will; moral codes; socialisation; norms and values; social sanctions Look for layers of meaning and consider alternative meanings. Does the theory illuminate a particular aspect of the film. Are there things it cant explain?
Using Theory 2 Be critical about your sources. Conduct a brief review of the literature. DONT lose sight of the text you are analysing. Remember you will be assessed on evidence of reading a wide range of relevant resources. Use scholarly arguments to build your own theories and arguments.
Using theory 3 Decide whether the text (book/film) emphasises structure, agency, or a particular combination of the two. How does your chosen theory/theorist assist your understanding of the structure/agency question. How successfully have they represented the issue? Are there any flaws or limits in the texts representation of the structure/agency question? Why and how did this occur in the text? In what ways might the theorist/theory have shed greater light on this problem? Does the theorist/theory also have these difficulties?
Authors, Readers and Texts. Texts are polysemic. Consider context of film and social context which may impact on film. Consider situatedness of authors and readers. Consider realist debates about literature and other cultural texts. What does the text reflect? Consider alternative meanings. Read reviews and articles in scholarly Journals.
Conducting Your Analysis Consider a wide-range of methods for visual analysis: content analysis, historical analysis, structuralist analysis, iconography, psychoanalysis, social semiotic analysis, film analysis and ethnomethodology. Each of these approaches has something unique to offer. DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! Consult methods literature.
Some suggested Online Resources ndex.html
Film Analysis Resources V/ftv_fv101.html
Finally think About How it Looks Use visual images sound etc Think about structure and flow Use presentation skills from last year Speak loudly and clearly Dont rush through slides Find a balance between too little and too much information Have a clear intro and conclusion
Referencing Reference ALL your sources using the Harvard system. All presentations should include an appropriate bibliography.