ECONOMY OF LATE ANTIQUITY By Lyndon Exton and Katie Alexander
The Big Question How did the Economy Effect the Challenges of Building Back the Empire????
The Emperor The emperor governed with the Roman senate resulted in civil war, foreign invasion, and corruption all authority was taken away from the emperor The Problem The Solution Diocletian restored the Empire back to glory he made sure that there Was a ruler to succeed him He split the empire into four sections, all ruled by four different emperors- including himself
Coinage copper coinage began to decrease in value the solidus did not benefit the poor standard gold coin 450,000 copper coins bought one solidus small businesses and merchants struggled to get by
Christianity’s Contributions New jobs and opportunities were introduced for Christians Women had opportunities converted men to Christianity Jobs Doorkeepers grave diggers
Christianity’s Contributions Roman Catholic Church became main religion took money from people Bishop- Episcopal authority
Rich/Poor Rich have more authority More property Greater goods the Bishop he was the head of the most important institution in the Roman world Poor One single solidus represented four months pay. faced extreme economic hardship
Sources the textbook Sizgorich, Tom. "late antiquity." World History: Ancient and Medieval Eras. ABC-CLIO, Web. 24 Jan