1 Overview of the Doha Work Programme Implications for the Developing Countries Commercial Diplomacy Programme UNCTADWWW.UNCTAD.ORG/COMMDIP December 2001
2 Doha Sets the “stage” for the: 1- Continuation of the on-going negotiations; 2- Launching of new negotiations; 3- Preparations of possible negotiations in new issues; 4- Resolution of the implementation issues. Doha marked the beginning of a multilateral negotiating process. As in soccer it could be seen as the kick-off to the beginning of the game. End of the Game: January 2005
3 1-Continuation of the On-Going Negotiations on: AGRICULTURE Substantial improvement in market access;Substantial improvement in market access; Phasing out of all forms of export subsidies;Phasing out of all forms of export subsidies; Substantial reductions in trade-distorting domestic supportSubstantial reductions in trade-distorting domestic support SERVICES Goals of Article XIX Guidelines and Procedures Article IV S&D Provisions by Draft Schedules: before 5 th Ministerial Conference Initial requests: Initial Offers:
4 2-Launching of New Negotiations on: Geographical indications other than wines and spirits (TRIPS) (by 5 th Min.Conf.).Geographical indications other than wines and spirits (TRIPS) (by 5 th Min.Conf.). Market Access for non-agricultural products (tariff peaks, high tariffs, tariff escalation, non-tariff barriers).Market Access for non-agricultural products (tariff peaks, high tariffs, tariff escalation, non-tariff barriers). WTO Rules: AntiDumping, Subsidies and Countervailing measures, fisheries subsidies, regional trade agreements.WTO Rules: AntiDumping, Subsidies and Countervailing measures, fisheries subsidies, regional trade agreements. Trade and Environment.Trade and Environment.
5 3-Preparation of Possible Negotiations on the “Singapore Issues”, i.e.: Trade and Investment Trade and Competition Government Procurement Trade Facilitation Members agreed that negotiations will take place after the Fifth Ministerial Conference on the basis of a decision to be taken, “by explicit consensus, at that Session on modalities of negotiations”.
6 4-Resolution of the Implementation Issues: The Decision on Implementation concerns: Market Access, TBT, Agriculture, SPS, Subsidies and countervailing measures, TRIMS, Rules of Origin, AntiDumping, Textiles, TRIPS, Custom Valuation Special and Differential Treatment Deadlines: almost all by 2002 Outstanding issues regarding: GATT 94, TBT, Agriculture, SPS, Subsidies and CVM, TRIMS, Safeguards, AntiDumping, Waivers, TRIPS, Custom Valuation, Special and Differential Treatment Deadlines: report to the Trade Negotiating Committee by end 2002
7 Other Development-related Issues (1) Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health= Immediate political value for developing countries; Waiver granted for the EC/ACP preferential regime, and for the transitional banana regime (until end 2005). Commitment to the objective of duty- free, quota-free market access for LDCs’ exports.
8 Other Development-related Issues (2) Review of S&D provisions. Endorsement of a work programme on S&D set out in the Decision on Implementation; Working groups: Trade, Debt and finance, and Trade and Transfer of Technology. Greater coherence based on WTO work with Bretton Woods institutions. Technical assistance and capacity building.
9 Implications for the preparation of Developing Countries: Sharpen their proposals in agriculture and services Identify their interests and consolidate alliances in all topics Take into account regional and preferential arrangements Make new proposals on S&D provisions Identify the “development dimension” from the beginning in the topics of investment and competition. Prepare Terms of Reference for the WTO Working Groups on transfer of technology and trade, debt and finance. Identify links among the topics Concentrate on implementation issues first (2002)
10 FINAL REMARKS : Is This Work Programme a “Development Round”? Does this Work Programme provide the potential to improve the multilateral trading system so as to enable developing countries to increase their share of world trade and pursue development policies?
11 A Potential Positive Outcome Could Be Achieved …IF : Developing countries are successful in defining clear objectives and negotiating proposals in each topic. Developing countries are successful in defining clear objectives and negotiating proposals in each topic. Developed countries provide resources for effective technical cooperation and capacity building. Developed countries provide resources for effective technical cooperation and capacity building. Developing countries ensure coherence among the topics being negotiated from the point of view of their development strategies. Developing countries ensure coherence among the topics being negotiated from the point of view of their development strategies. Effective, targeted and operational S&D provisions are ensured in each topic. Effective, targeted and operational S&D provisions are ensured in each topic.