Tyler Hornsby Rogue Agent
Aged 16 – 40 Male Film interests: Action thriller, Crime thriller (Transporter, Die hard, oceans 13 etc). Outgoing, masculine, gym goer, sporty. Role model figure in protagonist. Has an interest in cars. However, our thriller film (like most) has a rather complex narrative, so this will limit our primary audience. Even though our film with have a certificate of 18, our secondary audience will include 15+ year olds as they too will undoubtedly watch action/crime thrillers.
Our film will attract a younger audience, as well as our target audience because it has conventions that boys of many ages will enjoy. E.g, Action, cars, and guns. Our OTS has many signs to suggest the genre of our film, such as the clothing used (suit), the music, and
Our thriller film is most similar to those belonging to the Bourne trilogy, as he too (Jason Bourne) is a rogue agent. We used the OTS’ from each of the Bourne films to get idea’s for our own whilst planning. The Bourne films included many factors of which you would expect to see from a crime/action thriller, which is why it’s a perfect comparison to our film.
This is Jake Baxter. he is 16 years old, and lives in the suburbs of Slough. he dresses fairly fashionably – Skinny black jeans and a branded T-shirt. he enjoys going out with his friends, and skating at the weekends. he shops in places such as GAME, Topman, New Look, Hollister, Size, and Vans. His favourite film genre is crime thriller and enjoys films such as the transporter, oceans 11, and the Bourne ultimatum, he enjoys watching them at the cinema with his friends and going to KFC afterwards. When Jake’s mates come to his house, they like to chill out and watch programmes such as Breaking bad, walking dead, and Hawaii 5.0. The music that Jake and his friends are into ranges from Old school hip hop, from artists like Nas, and new rap/hip hop from groups like Mellowhigh and Flatbush Zombies. I think our film appeals to Jake and his friends because the Bourne ultimatum was one of the films we based our ideas off of, as well as him being into general boy stuff such as skating, action films and hip hop, therefore, if this film was shown at his local cinema, this may appeal to him, he might go see it as it is similar to all of the films he likes, such as the Transporter, and Oceans 11.