Information Session for Line Managers and Staff: Electronic Leave Recording using iTrent
Agenda Absence Recording Why? Current situation i-Trent Holiday Booking & Authorisation Sickness Recording Implementation & rollout
Electronic Leave Recording (Phases 2 & 3): Interactive ESS & MSS What does it involve: Electronic calculation, booking, authorisation and recording of annual and other leave through interactive ESS and MSS Electronic recording and monitoring of sick leave through interactive ESS and MSS Outcomes: Managers and staff get an automatic calculation of leave entitlement Staff are able to book leave and view remaining entitlements via ESS Managers able to view calendar showing attendance of all their reportees and to authorise absence requests electronically via MSS
iTrent Phases Phase 0 – ‘As is’ - Payroll go-live – 1 November 2011 Phase 5 – Further developments: e.g. Costing model, - 2013 onwards Phase 4 – New joiner interface, e-timesheets – September 2012 onwards Phases 2 & 3 – Electronic Leave Recording – by Dept – late April to Dec 2012 Phase 1 – Introduction of MSS University-wide from early March 2012 onwards Phase 0 – Improved ESS & e-payslips – 16 November 2011 Phase 0 – ‘As is’ - Payroll go-live – 1 November 2011 PE BK – demonstrate ESS
Electronic Leave Recording – Why? As an employer we have a duty of care Working Time Directive requirements – minimum leave taken Ensure that all required parties are aware of leave and can plan around this to deliver the required services
Absence Recording – Current Situation Largely paper-based Inconsistent recording Confusion about appropriate entitlements Significant time spent using the annual leave calculator
Electronic Absence Recording - iTrent Employees (via Employee Self Service) View Holiday entitlement (automatically calculated by i-Trent) View Holiday dates: taken, scheduled and remaining balances Request Holiday Close a sickness absence electronically (no paper SC1) View their own sickness dates View calendar of colleagues (subject to set up by their manager) Managers (via Manager Self Service) Authorise Holiday requests (no more holiday cards & spreadsheets) Absences all recorded and accessible electronically Open a sickness absence electronically
Requesting Annual Leave Hours of leave updated E-mail confirmation to Member of Staff Line Manager accepts or rejects leave request using MSS Request Workflows to Line Manager (+ e-mail) Member of Staff Requests Annual Leave (or TOIL) using ESS PE & BK
Annual Leave Calculation & Booking iTrent will calculate annual leave in hours based on your working pattern – provided that this is up-to-date Staff request leave by dates (including a part-day) – iTrent will calculate the hours “lost” and take them off their total. When requesting annual leave (or TOIL) the member of staff must request the proportion of the day that they are taking. Line managers must check that this is correct before they authorise.
i-Trent Principles - Holiday i-Trent will automatically calculate your Holiday Entitlement based upon your grade and length of service Your holiday entitlement is made up of Annual Leave + Bank Holidays + Discretionary Days + Carry Over Holiday entitlement will be calculated in hours System configuration will require the input of working patterns, which show how your contracted hours are split across the days of the working week Examples Full-time/Part-time Contracted Hours Working days Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun Full-time 36.5 Monday to Friday 7:18 0:00 Part-time 18 Monday to Wednesday 6:00
Booking a Holiday as a Member of Staff When booking a holiday, the system will automatically adjust your remaining holiday balance based upon your working pattern Holiday can be booked in days or half days only.(Any requests of less should be by arrangement with your manager outside of the iTrent system, for example “can I leave an hour early next Thursday?”) Actions: Log into ESS Click on ‘Absence’ in left hand navigation Click on ‘Holiday dates’ Click on ‘New – New Holiday dates’
Holiday Dates Screen Select the type of absence Full Day, Half Day or More than one day Dates can be entered directly or you can use the calendar button Notes can be added if required. Eg: “It’s my son’s graduation ceremony” Clicking “Save” will trigger a notification to your manager You will be notified of your manager’s decision via email.
Holiday Balances Screen 2012/13 Entitlement Grade 1 to 5 = 270.1 hrs Grade 6 to 9 = 292hrs Subject to: carry over, full-time, being an employee from start of holiday year Taken The hours that have already been taken this year, which will also include any Bank Holidays/Discretionary Days Scheduled The hours that have been requested and authorised within the current year, which will also include any Bank Holidays/Discretionary Days, any adjusts made according to your working pattern Balance Takes account of all recorded holidays including any awaiting authorisation Holiday Current year Next year Time off in Lieu (Taken)
MSS - Home Page
MSS- Absence Calendar Calendar is displaying a period of a month starting from today’s date This shows what the colours mean on the calendar below Each employee is shown on a separate row. The squares indicating their days of work and the colours any absences Employee B has requested a holiday, which is awaiting authorisation, which can be seen by the asterisk Absence Calendar has been selected for the employees A,B,C and D
MSS- Authorisation of Absence Select the task by clicking the tick box and then click actions. If more than one task were listed, it would be possible to select them all The To Do list is showing a task needs to be completed The task is a Holiday Request from Mrs B Employee
MSS – Holiday Authorisation Select whether the request is to be authorised or not authorised A reason or comment can be added which will be sent to the employee Enter your password and click Save, which will update the absence and trigger an email notification to the employee
Manager Self Service – Reviewing a holiday request You will be notified via email when a member of your team requests a holiday Logging in to Manager Self Service will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision on whether it is appropriate to authorise or decline the requested period of absence. Click Here for video demo of Holiday Authorisation
Annual Leave Booking for Academic Staff
Reporting Sickness Absence in HR Return to Work Discussion / Interview: Line Manager checks sickness details on iTrent via MSS Sickness Episode is ended on iTrent Member of Staff returns – enters return details using ESS Line Manager enters sickness details via MSS Member of Staff rings Line Manager to report sickness: Date, reason & expected date of return (sends in MED3 if req’d) PE & BK
MSS – Opening a Sickness Absence Go into MSS: Highlight member of staff Click on New – Sickness Absence Details
MSS – Opening a sickness absence Enter the date that the absence started. Select whether a full day or part day Enter an expected end date, which is the date you expect the employee to return to work Select the most relevant reason from the drop down list Click Save, which will trigger an email to the employee’s work address with a link inviting them to close the absence on their return to work. This screen will be displayed when you have selected the relevant employee and clicked the “Create New Sickness Absence”
MSS – Adding Fit Note Select the relevant Certification Type Type in a reason from the Certificate If you know this is the final certificate you’ll receive for this absence tick this box Enter the start date of the fit note Enter the end date of the fit note if appropriate Click Save Write on the Fit Note to indicate that you have updated i-Trent. Send it to Payroll, in an envelope marked confidential. This screen will be displayed when you have selected the relevant employee and sickness instance and clicked “New Fit Note Certification”
ESS – Ending a Sickness Absence This absence doesn’t have an end date, click “Select” On the return to work from a sickness absence, the employee will have an email in their mailbox, with a link to ESS. After logging in and selecting “Sickness Dates” this screen will appear
ESS- Closing an Absence Click Here for video demo of Closing a Sickness Absence
ESS – Ending a sickness absence Enter the last day of sickness Click “Save”, this will trigger an email notification to your manager
MSS – Task Redirection Select who you want the recipient of the task to be, by clicking on the magnifying glass and searching by name. Click on their name and click “Save” By clicking on “redirect” on the task list, this screen will appear to enable you to redirect a task that has been sent to you.
MSS - Out of Office (Delegation) Enter the date you wish workflows tasks to be redirected from Enter the date you wish workflows tasks to be redirected to Select “Redirect All” Select who you want to redirect them to, by clicking on the magnifying glass and searching by name. Click on their name Enter your password and click “Save” This screen will appear when you click on the “Workflow Task Redirection Link”
Phased implementation by Department Go Live Step 6: Final Data Checks & E-mail Communication to Staff (email4) Step 5: Information / Training Sessions for Line Managers and Staff Step 4: Collection, Input and Validation of Working Patterns and Leave Information (email3) Step 3: E-mail Communication to Managers & Staff (email2) Step 2: Information & Scoping Meeting Step 1: Confirmation to HoD of Roll-out Dates and Process (email1) PE & BK
For More Information on Electronic Leave Recording