My Trip to Puerto Rico An E-Scrapbook By Lizbeth Figueroa-Rivera
Things I had to take with me on my trip… I need to take a blouse or T-Shirt, shorts or short skirts. I also need to take sunscreen or suntan lotion, sunglasses, and flip-flops because it is always hot and it barely rains. You don’t need to take a passport, all you need is a airline ticket.
People I could not forget… I would send a post card to my (dad) Israel Figueroa,Luz.J Rivera my (mom), my (Cousin) Yarelis Pacheco, my (uncle) Orlando Figueroa.These people are related to me because my mom and dad are my parents and my uncle is my dads brother and my uncle has a daughter which is yarelis. They are all from Puerto Rico.
I saw so many things… The most beautiful thing that I saw in Puerto Rico was the Fort de San Juan Felipe de el Morro.(El Morro) The beaches in Puerto rico are really warm, it's fun.
New foods I got to taste… My favorite food to eat in Puerto Rico is pork because in Puerto Rico the food that they mostly eat in Christmas is pork. Another food that people mostly eat in Puerto Rico is rice and beans with chicken.
I saw so many interesting animals… The only interesting animal is called the Coqui. It’s a tree frog. It's called the coqui because at night it says it’s name. They sound so cute. The other interesting animal is a bird called san pedrito.In English it’s called (little saint Peter). They are very tiny, if you here a chirp you can be sure there’s another one close by.
I learned a lot of new things… I didn’t know that Christopher Columbus went to Puerto Rico and called the capital San Juan to honor Juan the Baptist.
I would like my next trip to be to… The next place I want to visit is Paris France because it looks so beautiful and one day I want to go see the Eiffel Tower.
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