Preschooler 4 -6 Yrs. DEVELOPMENTAL SKILLS
Emotional Development 4 yrs. Asserts independence, impatitent, self-centered, defiant, boastful They often argue, compete, bossy Use of language with enthusiasm, enjoy sounds of language Has slapstick humor Needs parental approval Use flexible rules when guiding behavior
Emotional Development 5 yrs. Carry on real discussions, ask meaningful questions They are patient, generous, persistent, conscientious, practical, sympathetic, serious An improved attention span, so can finish uncompleted tasks Better memory to finish tasks
Emotional Development 6 yrs. Think they know everything Stubborn, quarrelsome, resent directions, center of universe No reason – love & hate, accept & reject, smile & storm Appreciate humor & jokes
Guidelines for Moral Development Set a good example Learning self-discipline is lifelong skill Talk about mistakes in private Show love despite misbehavior
Intelligence Development This age is preoperational thinking Use of symbols Make believe play Egocentric viewpoint Limited focus J. Piaget
Intelligence Development This age: Gardiner’s Multiple intelligences explains the different ways of mind/body experiencing the world Verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic
Verbal-linguistic Learns best through words Word games/puzzles, reading, writing, jokes & tongue twisters, games involving memorizing
Logical-mathematical Skills in arithmetic and areas of science Number games: chess & checkers; maps & diagrams; tests of logic; experiments
Visual-spatial Learning easiest through pictures & colors Play with pictures, drawing, modeling clay, construction toys, jigsaw puzzles
Musical Hearing rhythms/melodies helps promote learning Toy instruments, household objects that can be banged, music tapes, music lessons
Bodily-kinesthetic Skill in moving body through space Physical activities – athletes: Gymnastic, soccer, playground equipment, dancing, active movement
Interpersonal Social skills – good communication Activities involving other children such as joining clubs/groups
Intrapersonal Private, strong will, independent Time to be alone and think, writing in a diary
Naturalistic Understanding of natural world Opportunities to experience nature, gardening, being outdoors, walking in woods, watching birds, books about plants, animals, processes of nature
Teaching Self-Care Skills Self-care: washing hands, bathing, brushing teeth Dressing: choosing clothes, caring for clothes, comfortable, durable, economical clothing, no complicated fasteners Sleeping/Toileting: routines
Learning from Everyday Life Rides on trains, buses, airplanes Nature walks, looking at nature, leaves, flowers, animals Helping around the house with household duties