Carol Scott
Grades 3-6 Physical Education Program Class Activities- soccer, flag football, cross country, softee polo, volleyball, fitness, gymnastics, basketball, team handball, whiffleball, lacrosse, badminton, ultimate frisbee, frisbee golf, track and field, ultimate kickball, and dodge ball Extracurricular/Intramurals- basketball, gymnastics, soccer, field hockey, volleyball, early morning basketball, and circus. Community Activities- pee wee football, cheerleading, soccer, basketball, softball, and baseball
Cross-Curricular Integration Each class begins with a whiteboard discussion, which includes the sport history and vocabulary words ELA- vocabulary Math-angles, scoring Social Studies- history, geography
Problem Solving Sport specific strategies and problem solving are apart of each activity to improve performance Two new games are introduced with basic rules and the classes work together to develop strategies through cause and effect
Problem Solving – World Football World Football was developed because flag football did not include enough of the students World football is played with a soccer ball and flag football belts; the game is football if the ball is in the air and soccer if the ball is on the ground The students work hard to develop strategies within the parameters of basic rules of football and soccer As successful methods emerge the pre-game whiteboard discussions becomes more focused and productive
Problem Solving – 4-Way Dodge Ball 4-way dodge ball was developed with student discussion after 4-way volleyball The game glaringly demonstrates the students’ ability to problem solve Students need to learn through the problem solving experience which team to eliminate and why