Writing an Effective Introduction
What is an effective introduction? A strong introductory paragraph… Gives readers an idea of what the rest of the essay will be about. Provides a reason for the readers to keep reading!
A strong introduction includes… A HOOK! A clear and concise thesis statement (the what and why of your paper). Background information or history of the topics to be discussed (Briefly educates the reader about the topic to be discussed).
Example of a hook… A hook is usually a question or a comment that inspires an emotional or cognitive response from the reader. Ex. It is statistically proven that 4 out of 5 babies will encounter harmful second hand smoke before they reach six months of age. Ex. Can you imagine how much a single day can cost if you live in Shibuya, Tokyo?
Background info is relevant to your topic! If you’re talking about the high cost of living in Los Angeles…. Ex. Los Angeles is one of the most expensive cities in the world. The prices of things in L.A. are much higher than in other parts of the U.S. Many people living in L.A. have a difficult time paying for their lifestyles. You wouldn’t talk about how expensive Paris is- or how high Lebron James’ vertical is.
Thesis Statements… Tell the reader what the rest of the paper will talk about (explains the main idea of the essay). Ex. Los Angeles is one of the most expensive cities for many reasons… You would then proceed to talk about these reasons in the body paragraphs.
Stylistic Strategies Pose a provocative question that works well to engage (hook) readers. Include facts or statistics that surprise the reader with little known information. Include an interesting quote. Include an interesting anecdote (or story) related to a topic.
How does this apply to a comparison/contrast essay? A thesis statement that introduces what is to be compared and contrasted within the paper and the purpose behind the comparison (ex. To show that zombie movies are better than pirate movies!). Brief background information that educates the reader about each topic that will be discussed in the paper.
How does this apply to a compare/ contrast essay? Example of a compare/ contrast hook : Pirate movies and zombie movies are two of the most popular types of movies being currently produced in Hollywood; they account for more than 50% of total box office revenue. Includes both topics and lets the reader know that the topics you are talking about are important and relevant!
How does this apply to a compare/ contrast essay? Anecdote: Last Friday, I was in line with my friends waiting to buy my ticket for the new Pirates of the Caribbean film. However, before I could reach the ticket booth, I saw that the new zombie movie, Night of the Living Dead VI: This Time It’s Personal, was also playing! Choosing which movie to spend my precious ten dollars on was one of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever had to make in my short life.
Comparison/ Contrast Thesis Statement A thesis statement within an introductory paragraph of a comparison/contrast essay should set up the rest of the paper. It should name the two things that will be compared and contrasted. It should explain why the two things are being compared.
Thesis Statement Continued… Comparison vs. Contrast thesis ex. - The motorcycle man and his dog were alike in many ways, but there were also many obvious differences between them that caused them to fight a lot. - This statement lets the reader know what two things are going to be compared and why they are going to be compared (to see why the man and his dog fought a lot).